The Leader Board


Biden’s Presidency: Nine Straight Months Of Inflation Exceeding 5% And The Most Expensive Gas Prices In U.S. History

'The Fastest Pace Of Inflation In 40 Years' And The Highest Gas Prices In U.S. History Are Hammering Ordinary Americans, With 'Nearly Every Category Of Goods And Services' Increasing In Price Over The Last Month SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Everybody knows that gas prices and energy costs have been soaring sharply for many months. Working families know all too well that gas prices and utility costs have been rising throughout President Biden's tenure. Just this morning, … Continue Reading


Judge Jackson Must Meet Schumer’s Standard In Answering Questions About Demand Justice Backing Her Nomination

Chuck Schumer Told Prior Supreme Court Nominees That 'We Would Be Remiss If We Didn't Explore Why' Certain Groups Were Backing Their Nominations, So Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson Will Need To Be Forthcoming About Why Far-Left Court-Packing Group Demand Justice Has Been Loudly Pushing Her Nomination SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This is … a moment when the far left has declared open season on the very concept of judicial independence itself. President Biden even bowed to… Continue Reading


Crude Intentions: Biden White House Frantically Looks Abroad For Energy That Americans Can And Should Produce At Home

After Months Of Working To Smother U.S. Oil And Gas Production, The Biden Administration Is Now Begging Foreign Human Rights Abusers To Increase Their Energy Production SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "There is some suspicion the Administration is desperate for any excuse to ease sanctions on Iranian oil exports to help blunt the impact of the European crisis on Americans' pocketbooks. This White House seems determined to go hat in hand and beg every bad actor around the worl… Continue Reading


‘Build Back Better?’ Never Heard Of It!

The Only Thing More Obvious Than This Photoshop Is Democrats' Efforts To Hawk The Same Bad Policies From Their Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree As A 'New' Proposal SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): 'I Don't Know Where That Came From … Nothing's Changed' SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): "I don't know where that came from…. Nothing's changed." ("Manchin Pours Water On Biden's Attempt To Revive Build Back Better," The Hill, 3/01/2022) SEN. MANCHIN: "I've never found out that you can l… Continue Reading


Democrats Once Denounced Durbin’s SCOTUS Confirmation Timeline As ‘Illegitimate’ And ‘A Sham’

Senate Democrat Leaders Want To Confirm President Biden's Supreme Court Nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, On A Similar Timeline To The One Used For Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Even Though Senate Democrats At The Time Denounced That Timing In Harsh Terms Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Initially Suggested He 'Hopes To Follow A Confirmation Timeline Close To That Of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett' "Biden said he plans to announce his nominee by the end of February, and Demo… Continue Reading


Biden’s State Of The Union Address Maligned For Its Myriad Manifest Failures

President Biden's Speech Was Panned For Being 'Totally Out Of Step With Reality For Where Most Americans Are,' Dinged By Fact-Checkers, Featured 'An Unusual Number' Of Gaffes, And Highlighted Intra-Democratic Feuds On Spending, Inflation, And Defunding The Police SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Last night, President Biden gave a State of the Union address that might have worked okay for a popular administration that had been successfully tackling America's problems and earning… Continue Reading


Only One Party Spent Nearly Two Years Calling For Defunding The Police

HINT: It Wasn't The Republicans Far Left Democrats In Congress Are STILL Calling For Defunding The Police "Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) says she's not going to stop using the slogan 'defund the police' ahead of this fall's midterms - even though some of her colleagues have made that request." ("Rep. Cori Bush Isn't Backing Down On 'Defund The Police' Slogan," Axios, 2/08/2022) REP. CORI BUSH (D-MO): "'Defund the police' is not the problem." ("Rep. Cori Bush Isn't Backing Down On 'Defund The Pol… Continue Reading


‘The President Made Stifling American Energy Independence A Day One Priority’

SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Remember, the President made stifling American energy independence a Day One priority, killing miles of pipeline and freezing new jobs and new exploration with the stroke of a pen." (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 3/01/2022) Earlier Today, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki Dismissed Calls To Reverse These Harmful Polices, Declaring That They Would Not 'Address The Issue At All' FOX NEWS' DANA PERINO: "Will there be anything in the speech to … Continue Reading


Biden Still Falsely Claiming His Taxing And Spending Plans Somehow ‘Will Lower Your Costs And Lower The Deficit’

"During Tuesday's State of the Union, Biden will recast his stalled Build Back Better agenda as an opportunity to rein in the debt, arguing that the sweeping child care, climate and health care package can lower costs for both Americans and the federal government, senior administration officials said ahead of the speech." ("Biden Throws A Line To Joe Manchin And Hopes He Bites," Politico, 3/01/2022) PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: "My plan to fight inflation will lower your costs and lower the deficit." (… Continue Reading


President Biden Is Dangerously Out Of Touch With Americans’ Priorities

As Poll After Poll Shows Americans Struggling With Inflation, Concerned About Their Economic Futures, And Looking For Leadership From Washington, Democrats Continue To Obsess Over The Pet Issues Of Left-Wing Activists SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "With a cascade of major crises testing our country, Senate Democrats are prioritizing a show vote on mandating nine months of abortion on demand across America. Senate Democrats want to go on the record supporting the radical and m… Continue Reading


Economists Dismiss Dems’ Inflation Gimmicks As Both Political And Pointless

Even Economists Friendly To Democrats Are Unimpressed With The Political Stunts Dems In Congress Have Trotted Out As Unserious Ways To Grapple With The Inflation Their Reckless Spending Has Unleashed SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Washington Democrats' inflation is slamming consumers with the highest prices in 40 years. One of the toughest blows has been the soaring cost of a trip to the gas station. … So, after triggering an historic run of inflation… our Democ… Continue Reading


Democrats Suddenly Desperate To Discuss The Inflation Their Policies Caused

LEADER McCONNELL: 'This Was A Policy Choice. This All-Democrat Government Was Warned Their Radical Agenda Would Supercharge Inflation And They Pushed Ahead Anyway. And Our Country Is Paying The Price' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The cost of essentials has absolutely exploded since Washington Democrats took power. And to be clear, the worst inflation in 40 years is not something that just spontaneously happened to Democrats on their watch. As a Pew report demonstrated late … Continue Reading


Far-Left Dark Money Group Demand Justice Gets Their Supreme Court Nominee

The Extreme Liberal Dark Money Group Demand Justice Has Vehemently And Repeatedly Called For Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson To Be Nominated To The Supreme Court, Ran Ads For Her, And Even Pressured Justice Stephen Breyer To Retire So Judge Jackson Could Be Elevated SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The Senate must conduct a rigorous, exhaustive review of Judge Jackson's nomination as befits a lifetime appointment to our highest Court…. I also understand Judge Jackson was the… Continue Reading


Democrats Demand An Activist Supreme Court Nominee

Following Up On President Biden's Pledge To Appoint A Supreme Court Justice Who Will 'Have An Expansive View Of The Constitution,' Democrats In Congress Are Signaling That They Want The President To Pick A Nominee Who Will 'Reason Backward From Outcomes' And Advance Political Causes For Democrats, Instead Of Following What The Law Says SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[S]omehow, everyone knows in advance that nominations like Bork, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett… Continue Reading


Democrats’ Gas Tax Gimmick Can’t Hide Their Policies That Are Designed To Raise Energy Prices

Democrats Facing Frustrated Voters In November Are Proposing To Suspend The Gas Tax In An Obvious Election Year Gimmick, But Have Spent A Year Voting For And Supporting Green New Deal Policies To Strangle Domestic Energy Production That Have Sent Prices Soaring SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): ""Washington Democrats' inflation is slamming consumers with the highest prices in 40 years. One of the toughest blows has been the soaring cost of a trip to the gas station. A gallon of r… Continue Reading


Determined To Go Big, Democrats Ignored All Warnings About Inflation As They Hastened To Pass $2 Trillion In Stimulus Spending

Cautioned By Liberal Economists And Republicans That Their Nearly $2 Trillion Liberal Spending Wishlist A Year Ago Would Overheat The Economy And Set Off Inflation, Democrats Rejected Every Warning, Declaring, 'The Dangers Of Undershooting Our Response Are Far Greater Than Overshooting' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "At this time last year, Washington Democrats were beginning their quest to dump trillions of dollars in left-wing spending on a recovering economy that already h… Continue Reading


Democrats Keep Kids Masked At The Behest Of Teachers’ Unions

As Some Democrats Begin To Lift Mask Mandates For Bars, Restaurants, And Other Venues, They're Refusing To Lift Them For Schoolchildren, Following The Dictates Of Powerful Teachers' Unions SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "While Democratic leaders are stampeding to finally follow the science and end burdensome mandates on adults, in many places, America's children are still being left behind. States like New York and California are rolling back restrictions on adults, but have y… Continue Reading


Higher Inflation Erodes Americans’ Finances, As Economists Lay Blame On Excessive Dem Spending

Another Terrible Inflation Report Highlights American Families' Struggles With Soaring Prices, Which 'Has Left An Indelible Mark On The Economy, Including The Highest Price Increases For Housing, Food And Energy That Many Workers Have Ever Seen' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Moments ago, the country got yet another terrible monthly inflation report under the Biden Administration. Yet again, the data confirm what working families already know painfully well: Rampant inflati… Continue Reading


As Far-Left Soft-On-Crime Policies Fuel A ‘Reign Of Criminals,’ Some Dems Still Cling To Defunding The Police

'The American People Know This Crime Wave Is Not Some Spontaneous Event. It Has Been Fed And Fueled In Multiple Ways By The Democratic Party's Far-Left Turn … Tolerating Lawlessness And Anarchy Is Not Compassionate' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "While Washington Democrats spent 2021 distracted by their reckless taxing and spending spree, violent criminals were preying on the American people. Millions of Americans' neighborhoods descended into chaos and violence around… Continue Reading


Economic Reality For Americans Is A Far Cry From Democrats’ Disconnected Rhetoric

While President Biden And Democrat Leaders Try To Paint A Rosy Economic Picture, The Reality For Most Americans Is Painful Inflation For Housing, Food, And Energy, Which Is 'Wiping Out Pay Increases' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Working Americans and their families are being hammered by the worst inflation in 40 years. And Washington Democrats own it…. The pain that families are feeling today was not just foreseeable, it was foreseen, by experts across the political … Continue Reading

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