The Leader Board
‘A Tax Code That's Pro-Family’
IVANKA TRUMP: 'Today, In The Vast Majority Of American Homes, All Parents Work. Our Tax Code Has To Recognize And Support… This Reality' "Ivanka Trump scores win with Senate plan to double child tax credit: Ivanka Trump notched a policy victory late Tuesday night when the latest revisions to the Senate tax bill proposed doubling the child tax credit." ("Ivanka Trump Scores Win With Senate Plan To Double Child Tax Credit," Politico, 11/15/2017) SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R-FL): "…I welcome… Continue Reading
Flashback: Sen. Wyden’s Plan To Tax The Poor
SEN. RON WYDEN (D-OR): "…big thanks to Mark [Mazur] and the [Tax Policy C]enter for their usual professional job of making sure that we have a real debate and have a real discussion." (Sen. Wyden, Remarks To The Tax Policy Center, 11/7/2017) THEN Liberal Tax Policy Center: Under Sen. Wyden's 2010 Tax Bill 'Close To A Fifth Of Those In The Bottom Two Quintiles Experience A Tax Increase' "The Bipartisan Tax Fairness and Simplification Act of 2010 ("Wyden-Gregg," introduced as S. 3018) … Continue Reading
‘Middle Class Biggest Winners In Senate Tax Plan’
'Making Good On Republican Promises To Focus On The Middle Class' SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): "[W]e have been laser-focused… on reducing taxes for the middle class. And that is exactly what this bill will do." (Sen. Hatch, Press Release, 11/10/2017) 'Middle Class Biggest Winners In Senate Tax Plan, [Joint Committee On Taxation] Study Says' The Hill: "All income groups on average would see their taxes go down under Senate Republicans' tax bill, according to Congress's tax scorekeeper. The … Continue Reading
‘The Senate Tax Bill … Would Boost The Economy’
'Higher Wages And … An Additional 925,000 Full-Time Equivalent Jobs' "The Senate tax bill introduced Thursday would boost the economy, creating 925,000 new jobs and raising wages by 2.9 percent over 10 years, according to a new analysis released Thursday by the Tax Foundation." ("Senate Bill Would Cut Taxes By $1.78 Trillion, Create 925k New Jobs, Study Finds," Washington Examiner, 11/10/2017) 'The Plan Would Increase Long-Run GDP By 3.7 Percent' TAX FOUNDATION: "Our analysis finds t… Continue Reading
Finance Committee Republicans Applaud Senate Tax Relief Plan
CHAIRMAN HATCH: 'We Have Been Laser Focused… On Reducing Taxes For The Middle Class' SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): "[T]oday as Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, I'm releasing a Chairman's mark for the Senate version of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, legislation that is the culmination of years of effort to reform or nation's tax code. Now, we've been at this a long time and today's mark marks a significant step forward in this effort." (U.S. Senate Finance Committee, Press Release, 11/1… Continue Reading
ANWR: ‘A Tremendous Opportunity For Both Alaska And Our Country’
SEN. MURKOWSKI: 'The Economic Benefits Will Be Substantial, Our National Security Will Be Strengthened, And The Environmental Impacts Will Be Minimal' SEN. MURKOWSKI: This Legislation 'Will Put Us On A Path Toward Greater Prosperity' SEN. LISA MURKOWSKI (R-AK): "This legislation is a tremendous opportunity for both Alaska and our country… The legislation I released tonight will put us on a path toward greater prosperity by creating jobs, keeping energy affordable for families and busi… Continue Reading
‘A Quartet Of Solidly Conservative Judges’
'Democrats And Liberal Groups Have Been Unable To Stop Any Of Trump's Nominees' "Last week, Senate Republicans were able to confirm four of President Donald Trump's judicial nominees for lifetime positions on circuit courts, in addition to one more to a district court post as a part of the president's unprecedented judicial blitz." ("McConnell Just Got A Bunch Of Trump's Judicial Nominees Confirmed In One Week," Business Insider, 11/5/2017) Last Week Senate Republicans Conducted 'A Circuit C… Continue Reading
Dems New Position On Tax Reform: ‘We Have To Make Sure This Doesn’t Happen’
Democrats Used To Say 'Comprehensive Tax Reform Has To Happen' Now 'Have No Intention Of Engaging With Republicans' "[P]rivately, Democratic leaders have no intention of engaging with Republicans [on tax reform] even if they offered, sources close to them say. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is convinced another GOP crash-and-burn would likely hand Democrats the House next year, so there's no political upside to playing ball. … 'So we have to make sure this doesn't happen.'… Continue Reading
House Tax Reform Proposal ‘A Big Step Forward’
Senators Applaud Chairman Kevin Brady & The House Ways And Means Committee 'Their Legislation Marks The First Step Towards Our Goal Of Modernizing A Tax Code' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Today, the House of Representatives took a big step forward in our effort to help provide the American people with a robust economy that reaches for its full potential: that puts more money in middle-class pockets, that produces better jobs for workers, that secures more opportunity … Continue Reading
Justice Allison Eid ‘An Exceptional Nominee’
Justice Eid's Former Clerks: She 'Has Excelled At The Highest Levels' And 'Epitomizes The Self-Fortitude And Grace We Should Hope For In Our Public Servants' SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA), Judiciary Committee Chairman: "…the Senate will vote on the nomination of Colorado Supreme Court Justice Allison Eid, to serve on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. She is an eminently qualified and exceptional nominee who has received widespread bipartisan praise and support…. I think mainstream, … Continue Reading
Sen. Young: ‘We Do Not Have Religious Tests For Office… Period’
Republicans Are Fighting Back Against Democrats' Attempt To 'Impose An Inappropriate, Unconstitutional, And Highly Disconcerting Religious Litmus Test' On Judicial Nominees U.S. CONSTITUTION: "…no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." (U.S. Constitution, Article 6) SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "President Trump has done a terrific job of nominating judges who are already helping to restore the courts to their inte… Continue Reading
Justice Joan Larsen: ‘Brilliant, Principled, And Dedicated’
Law School Colleagues Praise 'Her Commitment To The Rule Of Law And Her Capacity For Top-Flight Legal Analysis' SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA), Judiciary Committee Chairman: "Justice Larsen's nomination is supported by a broad coalition of lawyers, judges, academic colleagues…. Justice Larsen began her legal career clerking for Justice Sentelle of the D.C. Circuit and Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court…. Justice Larsen has taught constitutional law and criminal law at the University … Continue Reading
The Courts: Restoring The Rule Of Law
PRESIDENT TRUMP: "…something that people aren't talking about is how many judges we've had approved, whether it be the Court of Appeals, circuit judges, whether it be district judges. We have [a] tremendous [number], right now, under review. … I think it's one of the big unsung things of this administration… Many, many are in the pipeline. The level of quality is extraordinary." (President Trump, Press Conference, 10/16/2017) WALL STREET JOURNAL: "Mr. Trump has nominated … Continue Reading
‘No Religious Test Shall Ever Be Required’
SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "President Trump has done a terrific job of nominating judges who are already helping to restore the courts to their intended function in our system of government. … Amy Barrett is a professor of law at one of our nation's premier law schools. Notre Dame happens to be a Catholic university. Amy Barrett happens to be a nominee who is Catholic--and who speaks freely and openly about her faith and its importance to her. For some on the Left, that seems to be a di… Continue Reading
15 CRAs: Draining The Regulatory Swamp
Continuing The 'Most Ambitious Regulatory Rollback Since Reagan,' Congress Scraps Another Bureaucratic Rule FIFTEEN: Overturning A Rule That Could Have Meant Higher Credit Card Rates And 'A Bonanza For Trial Lawyers' SEN. MIKE CRAPO (R-ID), Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Chairman: "[T]he entire purpose of this rule is to promote class action litigation and to stop arbitration resolution when there is a dispute…. The CFPB failed to demonstrate that consumers will… Continue Reading
Ds Wasting More Of The Senate’s Time
Dems Force Seven Needless Cloture Votes On President Trump's Judicial Nominees In 2017 Vs. One Under President Obama In 2009 SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "So far, every nominee we've brought to the floor has been confirmed by a majority vote of the Senate. In some cases, those majority votes have been bipartisan and massive. Like 95 to 1. Like 97 to 0. And yet, almost every time a judicial nominee is brought to the floor - even nominees with votes like these, nominees that bot… Continue Reading
Reversing A Regulation That ‘Would Hurt Consumers And The Economy’
Senate Votes To Overturn Rule That Could Have Meant Higher Credit Card Rates And 'A Bonanza For Trial Lawyers' "Congress Votes to Overturn CFPB Arbitration Rule" ("Congress Votes To Overturn CFPB Arbitration Rule," The Wall Street Journal, 10/24/2017) "The vote is a blow to the [CFPB's] controversial director, Richard Cordray, who some Republican lawmakers have urged President Donald Trump to fire because of his aggressive regulation. 'It's really a rogue agency,' Senate Majority Whip Joh… Continue Reading
Budget Passage ‘A Major Step Forward’ ‘To Overhaul The Tax Code’
SEN. MIKE ENZI (R-WY): "This budget resolution is the first step to pro-growth tax reform, as it will provide the fiscal headroom needed for the tax-writing committees in the Senate and the House to produce tax reform legislation… Hardworking families deserve a system that works for everyone in order to provide higher wages and more jobs. Pro-growth tax reform can help U.S. businesses and their workers compete in the global marketplace, spur investment and job growth here at home, and fr… Continue Reading
The Death Tax Is ‘Just Plain Wrong’
Sen. Ron Wyden, Finance Committee Ranking Member: 'If You Oppose Losing Farmland To Strip Malls… You Should Stand With Me And Work To Repeal The Estate Tax' SEN. JOHN THUNE (R-SD): "As if the long arm of the IRS isn't intrusive enough during life, too often the death tax punishes hard-working Americans even after they've passed away… In an environment where it's frequently too difficult and costly for family-owned farms to be passed from one generation to the next, we should be kn… Continue Reading
Dems & Debt: ‘Just Put It On The National Credit Card’
DEM RHETORIC: 'We Don't Want A Reform To Balloon The Debt' SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): "…we don't want a reform to balloon the debt… we should not pile hundreds of billions, maybe trillions more on top of the debt. Tax reform should be deficit neutral." (Sen. Schumer, Congressional Record, S.5244, 9/13/2017) REALITY: 'This Budget Resolution Puts Our Nation On A Path To Balance' SEN. MIKE ENZI (R-WY): "This budget resolution puts our nation on a path to balance by restraining fe… Continue Reading