The Leader Board
What Changed, Democrats?
Sen Schumer Two Years Ago: 'By Standing Still, The United States Has Fallen Behind Other Countries' UNIFIED TAX REFORM FRAMEWORK: "First, make the tax code simple, fair and easy to understand. Second, give American workers a pay raise by allowing them to keep more of their hard-earned paychecks. Third, make America the jobs magnet of the world by leveling the playing field for American businesses and workers. Finally, bring back trillions of dollars that are currently kept offshore to reinvest … Continue Reading
Medicare Reality: An 82% Increase Is Not A ‘Cut’
MYTH SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): "Folks, this tax bill cuts your Medicare, the budget bill that outlines the tax bill that we're doing this week..." (Sen. Schumer, Floor Remarks, 10/03/2017) SEN. SCHUMER: "…that budget is voting to cut Medicare…" (Sen. Schumer, Press Conference, 10/5/2017) FACT SEN. MIKE ENZI (R-WY): "My Democrat colleagues want to try and find a clever way to make the false accusation that somehow through this budget Senate Republicans are cutting Medic… Continue Reading
Turning The Page On President Obama’s Lost Decade
SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "For many Americans … the last 10 years have been a lost decade where the economy stumbled and opportunities declined. They suffered through stagnant paychecks, a lack of steady work, and retirement that slipped further away by the day. Maybe you are one of the millions of American workers who feel this way. You deserve better. You deserve an economy that lives up to its potential once again: with more jobs, fairer taxes, and bigger paychecks." (Sen. McConnell… Continue Reading
Economists: Tax Reform ‘Imperative’
'The Country Must Not Miss This Opportunity' 'This Plan Is Pro-Growth … Pro-Work,' & 'Would Boost Wage Growth' DOUGLAS HOLTZ-EAKIN, Former CBO Director: "[R]emember that doing nothing is dangerous to America. The fact that the economy is stuck in low gear has visited distress on large swaths of the labor market and household sector. Headquarters of U.S. firms continue to migrate overseas to competitor companies. Trillions of dollars of global earnings are locked out of the United S… Continue Reading
American Manufacturers: Our Future ‘Depends On Enacting Bold Tax Reform’
"President Trump will resume his push for tax cuts on Friday with an Oval Office meeting designed to highlight the manufacturing industry… Trump will host more than a dozen manufacturing industry employees and executives and issue a proclamation making Oct. 6 'National Manufacturing Day,' according to a White House statement provided to USA TODAY." ("Trump To Resume Tax Cut Push…" USA Today, 10/5/2017) TAX FRAMEWORK: 'Domestic Manufacturers Will See The Lowest Marginal Rates In … Continue Reading
Budget ‘Essential’ For Tax Reform
'It Is Crucial That A Budget Resolution Is Swiftly Passed So That Tax Reform Efforts Can Move Forward' Budget Resolution Is The 'Critical First Step To Advance A Tax Overhaul To Turn Our Nation's Economic Tide' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Later today, [Sen. Enzi] will lead his committee in marking up a comprehensive budget for Fiscal Year 2018 that will help our country achieve balance by reining in federal spending. It will also help our economy grow, and one of the ways… Continue Reading
Sen. Schumer: ‘If We Don’t Do Something, There Will Be A Huge Rush To Invert’
FORMER PRESIDENT OBAMA: 'The Best Way To End This Kind Of Irresponsible Behavior Is With Tax Reform' SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): "Many of us have talked at length about inversions in recent years and the problems they pose for our economy and our tax base. Perhaps even worse than an inversion is when a larger foreign corporation simply acquires a smaller American corporation. Either way, the result is the same - a foreign corporation becomes the parent of the restructured multinational group. &hel… Continue Reading
‘A Historic Opportunity’ For Tax Reform
'The Republican Tax Reform Plan Will Turbo-Charge The Economy' 'The Framework Released Today Represents A Transformation Of America's Tax Code And Would Help The Middle Class' DAVID WILLIAMS, Taxpayers Protection Alliance President: "…a pro-growth tax code that will transform the American economy. The four million wordlong tax code strangles individuals, entrepreneurs and businesses alike in billions of dollars in compliance costs. …the comprehensive tax overhaul in 1986 demons… Continue Reading
‘Cut The Red Tape’
Like Congress, President Trump 'Followed Through' On His Pledge To Ease Regulatory Burdens 'Lots Of Presidents Talked About Getting Rid Of Bad Regulations - Trump Is Actually Doing It' "Getting rid of unneeded regulations may be the single-most effective spur to economic growth that's available to the federal government. Thankfully, unlike most recent presidents, President Trump is taking the job of cutting bad regulations seriously. That can be evidenced by the special 'Deregulation Day' th… Continue Reading
Tax Policy Center: ‘Premature Guesses Based On Partisan Assumptions’
A Long 'Record Of Hostility To Any GOP Tax Reform' "Senate Finance Chairman Orrin Hatch, Republican of Utah, said the center was trying to 'invent numbers' and 'reverse-engineer a completed tax plan from what's in the framework.' Hatch and others have described the plan that emerged this week as a broad set of goals, not a detailed plan. 'This so-called study is misleading, unfounded, and biased,' said Representative Kevin Brady, Republican of Texas, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Com… Continue Reading
Tax Reform: ‘Getting America Going Again And Growing Again’
Senate GOP: 'The Reason We Want This Tax Code Changed Is To Put People Back To Work And To Change Lives Here In America' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "It's time to take more money out of Washington's pockets, and put more of it in the pockets of Americans." (Sen. McConnell, Press Release, 9/27/2017) SEN. McCONNELL: "To summarize what this is about, it is about getting America going again and growing again. Providing jobs and opportunity here rather than overseas. Providin… Continue Reading
Tax Reform: ‘Welcome And Long Overdue’
'Good News For Main Street Businesses And The Families That Work For Them' 'Tax Reform … Will Spur Economic Growth For All Americans' U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: "Tax reform will help families who are struggling to make ends meet and employers who want to grow their business and create new jobs. The U.S. Chamber is pleased to see consensus among Congressional leaders and the administration on a plan that will kick-start long overdue reform. Now, we are entering into a crucial new phas… Continue Reading
More Jobs. Fairer Taxes. Bigger Paychecks
SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE REPUBLICANS: 'Goal Is To Make The Tax Code Simpler, Fairer And More Competitive' SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT), Finance Committee Chairman: "For too long, Americans have been bogged down by an outdated tax code that runs counter to the goal of growth and fails to promote jobs and investment here at home… Providing much-needed relief - whether it be doubling the standard deduction or expanding the Child Tax Credit - will help lift the middle class and let hardworking fa… Continue Reading
Tax Reform: A Boost To Small Businesses, Job Creation
Small Business Owners Say With Tax Reform 'They Will Reinvest In Their Companies And Hire More People' SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): "Our chief goals, particularly in business tax reform, are to increase economic growth, create new jobs, grow wages for the employees of both large and small businesses, expand opportunities for all Americans and improve standards of living for everyone in the United States." (U.S. Senate Finance Committee Hearing, 9/19/2017) U.S. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ADMINIS… Continue Reading
‘Returning Power To The States’
SEN. GRAHAM: 'Take The Money And Power In Washington And Send It Back Closer To The Patient' PRESIDENT TRUMP: 'Repeal & Replace Obamacare. Money Direct To The States!' PRESIDENT TRUMP: "I hope Republican Senators will vote for Graham-Cassidy and fulfill their promise to Repeal & Replace ObamaCare. Money direct to States!" (@RealDonaldTrump, Twitter, 9/20/2017) TRUMP: "I would not sign Graham-Cassidy if it did not include coverage of pre-existing conditions. It does! A great Bill. … Continue Reading
Tax Reform: Ending America’s ‘Competitive Disadvantage’
Allowing Job Creators 'To Reinvest, Expand, Create New Jobs, And Increase Wages' 'That Means Real Benefits For Middle Income Families' 'The Key Here Is To Incentivize New Investment, To Increase Productivity, Which Ultimately Makes Everyone Better Off In The Long Run' SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): "Our chief goals, particularly in business tax reform, are to increase economic growth, create new jobs, grow wages for the employees of both large and small businesses, expan… Continue Reading
Unwinding Obamacare
'Sending The Money And The Power Out Of Washington Back To Where You Live' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[Graham / Cassidy] would repeal the pillars of Obamacare and replace that failed law's failed approach with a new one: taking decision-making power out of Washington, allowing states and governors to actually experiment with better ideas. Republican governors could do what's best for their states on health care. Democratic governors could pursue the approaches that suit their constituents be… Continue Reading
Tax Reform: ‘Focused Squarely On Helping The Middle Class’
Tax Relief Means 'Means Quality Jobs, Higher Wages, And Growth In Our Communities' SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): "[W]e are focused squarely on helping the middle class, and recent proposals to reform the individual tax system reflect that… Tax reform, if it's done right, can … provide much-needed relief and opportunity for millions of middle-class families. That, once again, is our goal in tax reform - it is, in fact, a driving force behind our efforts. "… Continue Reading
Tax Reform ‘Imperative’
Taxpayer Advocate: 'Simplify The Internal Revenue Code Now' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "It's been more than 30 years since we last passed comprehensive tax reform legislation, and since then, the international economy has only grown more competitive. That's why it's imperative that we do what we can to modernize our tax structure as we also better-prepare America's workforce for the many challenges and the global competition that face us in today's economy." (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 6/… Continue Reading
The Sanders 'Litmus Test'
Left Demands 'Actual Government Takeover Of Health Care' SEN. JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY): "As ObamaCare continues to collapse, options for quality, affordable health care move further out of reach for many Americans. This week, Senator Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., and other Senate Democrats plan to offer their solution: a complete Washington takeover of America's health care system. A majority of Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives have signed on as co-sponsors of their own 'single-payer' legis… Continue Reading