
McConnell Urges Continued Cooperation on Broad, Bipartisan Energy Legislation

‘It’s broad, bipartisan energy legislation that can help bring our energy policies in line with today’s demands while preparing us for tomorrow’s opportunities.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the Energy Policy Modernization Act:

“We’ve seen bipartisan work many times over the past year in this Senate.

“We have the latest example of it before us right now.

“The Energy Policy Modernization Act is the result of months of hard work across the aisle.

“It passed committee with overwhelming bipartisan support.

“It’s broad, bipartisan energy legislation that can help bring our energy policies in line with today’s demands while preparing us for tomorrow’s opportunities.

“It will help Americans produce more energy.

“It will help Americans pay less for energy.

“It will help Americans save energy.

“It will also give us the opportunity to strengthen America’s long-term national security.

“I thank the Chair and Ranking Member of the Energy Committee for their hard work to develop this bill. I thank them for their hard work to manage it on the floor.

“38 amendments have been brought to a vote so far and 32 amendments have been adopted already.

“Democrats introduced some and Republicans introduced some, and both parties have seen amendments from their side adopted.

“This is a robust, bipartisan energy debate, and it’s providing the latest example of a Senate that’s back to work for the American people.

“We’re not finished yet though.

“There will be more opportunities for debate and consideration as we move toward the finish line on this important, bipartisan legislation.

“Let’s keep working together as we have been.

“Let’s pass another important policy the American people deserve.”

Related Issues: Energy, Back to Work