
McConnell Urges More Amendment Votes on Infrastructure

'There are many outstanding amendments that are important, that would improve this legislation, and that deserve votes before the Senate is asked to vote on final passage of this bill. The full Senate deserves its full chance to shape this important legislation.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding infrastructure:

“Today, the Senate will decide whether to move the bipartisan infrastructure bill closer toward a final vote.

“Like I’ve said before, I am quite confident that out of 100 United States Senators, there are 100 of us who believe this bill is imperfect.

“This isn’t exactly the bill I would have written on my own, in my office, and 99 of my colleagues would say the same.

“This is a compromise product crafted by colleagues with big, principled differences in a Senate with the narrowest possible split.

“But in my view, what our early statesmen called ‘internal improvement’ is a core government responsibility. The American people need roads, bridges, ports, and airports to build their businesses, build their families, and build their lives.

“Republicans and Democrats have radically different visions these days, but both those visions include physical infrastructure that works for our citizens.

“As the Kentucky Farm Bureau wrote to me recently, the investments this bill will make are not just ‘necessary’; in many cases, they’re ‘overdue.’ Our country has real needs in this area.

“There are many outstanding amendments that are important, that would improve this legislation, and that deserve votes before the Senate is asked to vote on final passage of this bill.

“The full Senate deserves its full chance to shape this important legislation.

“I hope Senators can work together in a bipartisan way to get more amendments up and continue improving this important bill.

“Our colleagues on both sides deserve to be heard.”

Related Issues: Infrastructure