
Senate To Confirm Two More Impressive Judicial Nominees

‘[B]y confirming them both, the Senate will continue to ensure that the federal judiciary fulfills its particular role in our constitutional system. I would like to thank Chairman Grassley for his leadership of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which reported both of these nominees with a voice vote. I look forward to advancing their nominations soon.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding two more well-qualified nominees for federal district courts:  

“Today, the Senate will continue to fulfill its important responsibility of providing advice and consent on President Trump’s nominations. So far this week, we have confirmed talented individuals to important positions in the Departments of Transportation, Labor, and Defense.

“Yesterday, the Senate advanced the nomination of Joseph Otting to serve as the Comptroller of the Currency. Mr. Otting’s experience as a leader at various financial services agencies has helped prepare him to serve in this new role. I look forward to voting to confirming him later today.

“Next, the Senate will consider two well-qualified nominees to serve on federal district courts. Donald Coggins and Dabney Friedrich both have the experience and temperament to excel as judges. Both of these individuals have stellar legal credentials. Their careers demonstrate a serious commitment to the law.

“And by confirming them both, the Senate will continue to ensure that the federal judiciary fulfills its particular role in our constitutional system. I would like to thank Chairman Grassley for his leadership of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which reported both of these nominees with a voice vote. I look forward to advancing their nominations soon.”

Related Issues: Nominations, Judicial Nominations