
Speaker Ryan: A Big Heart, Extraordinary Intellect

‘Paul Ryan may not have asked for this job. But the moment called for him to lead. I’m grateful that he will. Because we know he’s a leader who repeatedly demonstrates the talent, the vision, and the experience to succeed.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor welcoming the election of Paul Ryan as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives:

“When responsibility calls, it’s usually not at a time of our choosing. The decision to answer is rarely easy or straightforward.

“Paul Ryan knows this.

“He spent his nights dreaming about tax policy, not the speakership.

“But our country is fortunate he stepped up to lead. I know I’m grateful he did.

“Speaker Ryan is thoughtful about the issues facing our nation. He’s sober-minded. He knows the job he’s walking into is tough. He also understands the potential it holds, in terms of conservative solutions for our country, in terms of more opportunity for the Middle Class.

“When I called to congratulate Speaker Ryan, we discussed our many shared goals for Congress. We pledged a strong partnership. We aimed to continue advancing conservative reform.

“I look forward to working closely with him going forward as I have in the past.

“Speaker Ryan knows what it means to work hard. He knows what it means to dream big dreams. He knows what it means to achieve them too.

“Something we all admire about Speaker Ryan is his determination to ensure others are able to achieve big things in their lives too — to ensure others can lead fulfilling lives defined by meaning and punctuated with purpose.

“There’s no doubt he cares deeply.

“He cares about combatting poverty — effectively. He care about lifting up the Middle Class — successfully. And because he cares, he’s willing to call out failed policies when they hurt those they’re supposed to help — and he’s suggested better ways forward too.

“In short, here’s what you can say about Speaker Ryan. He’s got a big heart and he’s got an extraordinary intellect. He knows how to lead with both.

“That quality is rare around here. So is having a reputation that so greatly precedes oneself — in a positive way. But that’s Speaker Ryan.

“Nothing is going to come easily in his new role. He knows that.

“Neither of us will be under any illusions about the positions we hold. We face a Democratic Party that continues to move left. We face a President who doesn’t seem very interested in cooperation on the big things or the hard things, nor in making divided government work.

“These are the realities that face us. It’s right to acknowledge them. But it won’t stop us from working together to advance conservative reform and also to achieve solutions for the Middle Class whenever we can.

“Today, though, let’s celebrate Speaker Ryan’s extraordinary achievement.

“He has already proven his stature as a leader in our party.

“From leading the nation on responsible budgeting and pro-growth tax reform to serving as an extraordinary candidate for Vice President, he always rises to the challenge.

“I would note for my House colleagues that their incoming leader campaigned vigorously to become President of the Senate, but was drafted into the Speakership.

“But look, on a more serious note, Paul Ryan may not have asked for this job. But the moment called for him to lead. I’m grateful that he will.

“Because we know he’s a leader who repeatedly demonstrates the talent, the vision, and the experience to succeed.

“I look forward to building a strong partnership on behalf of our country.”

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