The Leader Board

February 2021
Dems Approve Handing Money To States Under Investigation For Failing To Protect Nursing Home Residents
Biden And The Teachers’ Unions Flunk Science Class
January 2021
Biden Says Compromise But Governs Left
Protecting The Legislative Filibuster Is A Bipartisan Priority
December 2020
To Support Our Troops, Counter China And Russia, And Strengthen Cybersecurity, The Senate Must Approve The NDAA
Final Bipartisan COVID Relief Bill Lines Up Closely With Senate GOP’s July Bill
For Months Leader McConnell Called On Both Parties ‘To Pass Everything That We Can Agree To.’ Democrats Finally Listened
What Took So Long? Democrats Putting Politics Above COVID Relief
McConnell Offered A Real Compromise, So When Will Pelosi And Schumer?
The Senate Must Support Our Military By Passing The 60th Annual NDAA
Democrats’ Endless Objections, Deflections, And Rejections Have Delayed Further COVID Relief For Half A Year
It’s Time To Make Law Where There’s Broad Bipartisan Agreement On COVID Relief
Pelosi Admits She Wasted Months Playing Politics On COVID Relief
Pelosi’s House Decides To ‘Puff, Puff, Pass’ On Job-Saving PPP And COVID Relief
Will Democrats Finally Let Congress Pass COVID Aid They Don’t Even Oppose?
November 2020
Democrats Increasingly Abandon Pelosi’s COVID Relief Hardline
Democrats Blocking Important Federal Funding For Vaccine Distribution
Dems Triple Down On Liberal Wishlist Demands
Win Or Lose, Democrats’ Answer Is Always A Washington Election Takeover
Dems In Disarray: Congressional Democrats ‘Ripping Each Other To Shreds’ After Another Election Day Setback
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