The Leader Board

October 2017
Tax Policy Center: ‘Premature Guesses Based On Partisan Assumptions’
September 2017
Tax Reform: ‘Getting America Going Again And Growing Again’
Tax Reform: ‘Welcome And Long Overdue’
More Jobs. Fairer Taxes. Bigger Paychecks
Tax Reform: A Boost To Small Businesses, Job Creation
‘Returning Power To The States’
Tax Reform: Ending America’s ‘Competitive Disadvantage’
Unwinding Obamacare
Tax Reform: ‘Focused Squarely On Helping The Middle Class’
Tax Reform ‘Imperative’
The Sanders 'Litmus Test'
NDAA: ‘Rebuilding Our Military’
'Time Has Come To Fix The Federal Tax Code’
August 2017
‘Pro-Growth, Pro-Jobs, Pro-Worker’ Tax Reform
Jessie’s Law: ‘Another Important Step Forward’ To Fight Opioid Abuse
Real Reform For American Veterans
‘Republicans Will Seek To Lower Tax Rates’
July 2017
Are Dems Really ‘Completely In Support Of Single Payer’?
Better Care: Reversing Obamacare’s Failures
Patrick Shanahan ‘An Extremely Qualified Candidate’
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