March 2017 |
It’s The People’s Seat
‘The Rule Of Law Isn’t Liberal Or Conservative’
Schumer’s Shifting Standards
Seema Verma: The Health Care Reformer America Needs
The Magnificent Seven: The ‘Most Ambitious Regulatory Rollback Since Reagan’ Continues
The ABA ‘Gold Standard’
‘Obamacare Is Failing’
‘There Is No Principled Reason To Vote Against Gorsuch’
Obamacare: The Middle Class Continues To Get Squeezed
Repealing The Obama Administration’s Blacklisting Rule
‘The American People Deserve A Functioning Government’
Seema Verma: ‘A Superb Choice’ To Lead CMS
February 2017 |
Hard At Work ‘Repealing Obama EPA Water Rule’
Beshear ‘The “Poster Child” For Obamacare's Failures’
CO LAWYERS: ‘Judge Gorsuch Has A Well-Earned Reputation As An Excellent Jurist’
The ‘Most Ambitious Regulatory Rollback Since Reagan’
Judge Gorsuch ‘Honest, Principled And Committed To Safeguarding The Rule Of Law’
Obamacare: ‘It’s Getting Worse’
Scott Pruitt: ‘An Ideal Nominee For EPA Administrator’
Andy Puzder: A ‘Labor Secretary Who Actually Knows What It Is Like To Have Worked Behind A Counter’