The Leader Board

May 2016
Obamacare: Premium Increases Aplenty
Energy & Water Bill ‘An Important First Step’
Under President Obama ‘The Middle Class Is Hollowing Out’
White House Advisor: Iran ‘Is Healthcare For Us’
‘Staggering’ Regulatory Burden, ‘Disappointing’ Job Creation
Obamacare’s ‘Stiff Medicine’
April 2016
The Obama Economy: Failure To Launch
Regulations Accelerate, Economy Slows
Do Your Job
Obamacare: Growing Problems, Shrinking Choices
Senate Energy Bill A Milestone
Senate Back To Work: FAA & Energy
Bypassing Congress ‘Not How Democracy Works’
Iran Deal Continues To Evolve
Bipartisan FAA Bill Will ‘Ramp Up Airport Security’
The Infinite Wisdom Of The Founders
A Bipartisan ‘Passenger-Friendly’ FAA Bill
Executive Actions ‘A Stark Contravention To Federal Law’ & ‘An Explicit Effort To Circumvent The Legislative Progress’ On Immigration
March 2016
Gitmo Detainees: How Many More Will Rejoin Terror Groups?
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