The Leader Board

December 2015
‘Strengthening The First Amendment’
Restoring The Senate
‘Permanent Tax Relief For American Families And Small Businesses’
President Obama In Paris: American Jobs Sacrificed For ‘Paper Tiger’ Deal
‘Mounting Anxiety’
Education Reform: ‘A Rollback Of Federal Power’
The President’s Former Advisors Weigh In
‘Promise Kept’
Obamacare: ‘I Was Lied To’
Highway Bill: ‘A Major Victory’
American Families ‘Getting Blasted’ By Obamacare
Obamacare: ‘A Big Nightmare’ For Small Businesses
November 2015
Obamacare: This Deal's Getting Worse All The Time
Guantanamo North: ‘The Law Currently Does Not Allow For That’
Punishing The Poor
President Obama ‘Swore An Oath To Uphold The Laws’
‘Decision First, The Law Later’
Guantanamo: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
President Obama Rejects American Jobs
Obamacare Sticker Shock Stress Sweeps America
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