The Leader Board

May 2015
Budget ‘A Feat Of Considerable Importance’
The Obamacare Surge
April 2015
Obamacare Tax Shock: ‘Far Worse Than Predicted’
U.S. Exports To The Pacific: ‘Enormous Potential’
On Iran ‘We Need Robust Debate’
American Exports: ‘Enormous Potential’
Conservatives: ‘Trade Is Good For America’
Editorials: ‘It's An Economics 101 Lesson… Trade Is Good’
‘TPA Reaffirms Congress’s Overall Constitutional Role’ On Trade
100 Days: ‘Signs Of Progress’
‘How In The World They Could Possibly Object’
Obamacare Tax Day Nightmare: ‘I Owe Thousands’
Dems On Tax Day: The World Is Not Enough
Trade: ‘The Country Needs It’
March 2015
‘Following … The Law And Governing’
The Constitution Isn’t Kindling
Budget Puts Obamacare In The Crosshairs
Obama Budget ‘Lurching To The Left’
The Budget: A Return To Regular Order
Editorials: ‘Democrats, Swallow Your Pride’
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