The Leader Board

March 2015
Trade Means American Jobs
Four Myths Democrats Know To Be False
Dems ‘Choosing A Phantom Problem Over Real Victims’
McConnell: ‘Victims Are Counting On Us To Act’
Bipartisan Skepticism Of Obama’s Iran Policy
February 2015
Obama’s Keystone Choice: Workers Or The 1%
Presidential Power Grab: Dem Rhetoric vs. Reality
Another Obamacare Fumble
January 2015
Dems On Keystone: ‘So Important That We Do It Now’
New Era, More Votes
The Keystone Jobs Bill
Keystone: Unions Double Down In Support
January 2011
Dems’ Jobs Credibility
June 2010
Stimulating Wall Street
March 2010
Continued Damage From Health Care Law
December 2009
They Said It: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Dem vs. Dem: Tax On Insurance Companies Vs. Tax On Customers
May 2009
Terror Trial Trouble
November 2008
McConnell Statement On The Yet-To-Be-Written Democrat Spending/Bailout Bill
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