The Leader Board

February 2023
The Biden Administration Has Failed At Every Level To Alleviate The Chaos On The Southern U.S. Border
The Truth About Biden’s Signature Legislation: Tax Hikes And More IRS Audits On American Families
American Families’ Finances Are Approaching The Breaking Point Under The Cumulative Weight Of Months Of Painful Inflation In Biden’s Economy
America Deserves Better Than The Last Two Years Of Failed Biden Policies
Schumer Doubles Down On His Debt Limit Hypocrisy
January 2023
Americans’ Painful Economic Reality Is A Far Cry From Joe Biden’s Out-Of-Touch Spin
Schumer’s Hypocritical Debt Limit History
Record Numbers Of Encounters At The Southern Border Show The Biden Administration’s Ongoing Failure To Tackle The Crisis
Inflation Remains ‘Well Above Normal Levels’ Because Of Biden’s Economic Policies
December 2022
Because Of Leader McConnell And A Majority Of The Senate Preserving The Filibuster, Partisan Democrat Priorities Were Kept Out Of The Appropriations Bill
Senate Republicans Secured ‘Robust Defense Spending’ At The Expense Of Democrats’ Liberal Spending
The Government Funding Agreement Conforms To The Conservative Policy Guidelines Leader McConnell Has Defined For Months
NDAA Features Crucial Programs And Force Modernization Needed To Confront The Challenge Posed By China
Biden’s Policies Mean Christmas Comes At A Higher Cost For Americans Plagued By Nearly 2 Years Of High Inflation
This Year’s NDAA Includes Essential Boosts To Munitions, Modernization, And Deterrence Against Hostile Powers
Democrats Holding Critical NDAA Hostage For Unrelated Partisan Policies
November 2022
With Violent Crime Still Plaguing Americans, Democrats Can’t Stop Talking About Defunding Police
Biden Vows To Change ‘Nothing’ As His Inflationary Economic Policies Squeeze Family Budgets
October 2022
Biden Keeps Blaming Everyone Else For The High Energy Prices His Own Policies Created
Democrats Failed Students, ‘Devastating’ New Test Results Show
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