The Leader Board

October 2022
As Americans Face The ‘Costliest Winter In Decades’ They’ll Know Democrats’ Energy Policies Are To Blame
The Biden White House Is Living In An Economic Fantasy
American Families Find No Relief From Biden’s Persistent Inflation
Democrats Angriest At Saudis Have Voted Over And Over To Choke U.S. Oil Production
Humiliated By OPEC, Biden Crawls To Venezuela For Oil, But Still Won’t Unleash American Energy Production
September 2022
Americans Are Paying For Biden’s Failed Energy Policies
Another Show Vote On The Unconstitutional DISCLOSE Act Yet Again Exposes Democrats’ Extreme Dark Money Hypocrisy
Biden’s Border Crisis Breaks Another Record
President Biden Is Breathtakingly Out Of Touch
Biden Administration Keeps Promoting Their New Turbo-Charged, Audit-Obsessed IRS
Biden And Democrats Did Nothing While The Crime Wave Continued This Summer
As Families Struggle, Out-Of-Touch Democrats Celebrate Doing Nothing About The Inflation Their Policies Caused
As Yellen Touts Subsidies For Wealthy Households To Buy Electric Vehicles, Californians Are Begged Not To Charge Theirs
Pumpkin Spice Latte Drinkers The Latest To Suffer From Biden’s Historic Inflation
August 2022
Biden’s Lawless Move To Cancel Student Debt Will Increase Inflation And Wipe Out Deficit Reduction
Reality Check: What Biden’s Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree Will And Won’t Do
With Inflation ‘Strangling Kitchen-Table Budgets,’ Democrats Just Voted To Make Things Worse
Democrats Vote To Make Inflation Worse At The Worst Possible Time
Democrats Refuse To Protect Americans From A Nationwide Crime Surge
Democrats Vote AGAIN To Keep Americans’ Energy Bills High
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