
Assistant Secretary of Defense Robert Karem to Serve as National Security Advisor for Leader McConnell

‘Robert has served at the highest levels of government and his expertise in foreign policy and national security are critical as we face continued threats to our homeland and around the world. I’m thrilled to welcome Robert back to our team in such a key role. Senate leadership and the entire Republican Conference will benefit greatly from his counsel built on years of service and experience.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced today that Robert Story Karem will join his Leadership office as National Security Advisor. Robert currently serves as Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. From June 2017 to November 2017, Karem served as acting Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.

Karem will advise Leader McConnell directly on matters of national security, foreign policy, defense, the intelligence community, and continuity of Congress. In addition to his work for the Leader, Robert will also advise Republican senators and staff.

“Robert has served at the highest levels of government and his expertise in foreign policy and national security are critical as we face continued threats to our homeland and around the world. I’m thrilled to welcome Robert back to our team in such a key role,” said McConnell. “Senate leadership and the entire Republican Conference will benefit greatly from his counsel built on years of service and experience.”

Prior to his nomination, Karem served on the Presidential Transition Team as an advisor to then Central Intelligence Agency Director nominee, Mike Pompeo. Previously, Karem was the principal foreign policy advisor to Jeb Bush. 

Karem has also served in the House of Representatives as the National Security Advisor to Majority Leaders Eric Cantor and Kevin McCarthy, where he was responsible for managing a wide range of foreign policy, defense, and intelligence issues for the House Republican Conference.

From 2005 to 2011, Karem served as a foreign policy advisor to Vice President Richard Cheney.

Karem will be making a return to Sen. McConnell's office, having previously served as a Legislative Assistant for foreign policy.

Karem is a graduate of Columbia University and a native of Lexington, Kentucky.

Karem is the latest senior-level addition to Leader McConnell’s Leadership staff as McConnell recently added the former Staff Director for the Senate Finance Committee, Jay Khosla, to serve as his Chief Economic Policy Counsel.

Karem will start in the Leader’s office on November 5th.

Related Issues: National Security