
McConnell Comments on Passing of Judge John G. Heyburn II

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell released the following statement today regarding the passing of Judge John G. Heyburn II:

“Today our commonwealth says a sad goodbye to a great Kentuckian, Judge John G. Heyburn II. Known for his searing intellect, fiercely competitive spirit, and quick wit, John Heyburn untangled countless legal knots and delivered sweeping legal opinions on cases of incredible complexity over his more than two decades on the federal bench. And yet the thing you were most likely to remember about his chambers were all the photos of his wife Martha and their beloved sons Will and Jack. John was always dedicated to family first, and I think that’s how he’d want us to remember him. Elaine and I mourn the passing of our dear friend, a man whose intelligence, good humor and upstanding character I have greatly admired since our paths first crossed on the campaign trail in 1971. We send our heartfelt condolences to Martha and the rest of the Heyburn family, and to the many, many friends this good man leaves behind."

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