
McConnell Comments on President’s VETO of Bipartisan Measure to Overturn WOTUS Rule

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following comments regarding the President’s veto of the bipartisan measure to overturn the “Waters of the United States” rule by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

"WOTUS isn't really a clean-water measure, it’s an unprecedented federal power grab clumsily masquerading as one. In passing a bipartisan measure to overturn it, Congress stood up for the Middle Class and said that America's clean-water rules should be based on the kind of scientific, collaborative process the American people expect — not Washington politics. Apparently the President disagrees. He had a choice today between standing with the Middle Class or standing with Washington bureaucrats, he chose the bureaucrats.”


Related Issues: WOTUS, Regulations, EPA