
McConnell In Louisville: Judge Kavanaugh is an Absolute All-Star

‘Brett Kavanaugh, as all of you know, you’ve looked at his record for the last week or so, is an absolute All-Star: Yale undergraduate, Yale Law School, impeccable credentials. I have been trying to find anybody who has known him over the last 20 years who dislikes him, and I can’t find anybody. He’s got perfect temperament, in short, if you were calling up central casting, and said send me the perfect Supreme Court Justice, it would be Brett Kavanaugh.’

LOUISVILLE, KY  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) held a press conference this morning to discuss the president’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh. The following are excerpts:

On Supreme Court Nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh:

“Brett Kavanaugh, as all of you know, you’ve looked at his record for the last week or so, is an absolute All-Star: Yale undergraduate, Yale Law School, impeccable credentials. I have been trying to find anybody who has known him over the last 20 years who dislikes him, and I can’t find anybody. He’s got perfect temperament, in short, if you were calling up central casting, and said send me the perfect Supreme Court Justice, it would be Brett Kavanaugh.”

On the Judge Kavanaugh Confirmation Timeline:

“The timetable typically, for recent Supreme Court Justices, if we stuck to that timetable, and I intend to, would give us an opportunity to get this new justice on the court by the 1st of October, and all of you may know that’s what’s called the October term. The Supreme Court starts the first Monday in October and runs until the end of June. So, by just taking the average amount of time that we did with the Gorsuch nomination, the Kagan nomination, the Roberts nomination, we would be able to complete this process in time for the new justice to be on the Supreme Court for the new term, in October.”

On Rhetoric from the Far Left:

“It seems to me just based on the rhetoric that was used even before the nominee was announced, you may have noticed that press release that one of the lefty groups sent out didn’t have the blank filled in, they forgot to put in the name, they had already prepared it for whomever the nominee was going to be, I think there’s probably not many undecideds, and outside groups, both supporting and not supporting the nominee, look where they advertise, and that’ll tell you where they think they can be influential, and I noted my Republican colleague from Maine yesterday said the $3 million that was in the process of being spent in Maine to influence her vote was a waste of money and she would announce her decision when she chose to.”

Related Issues: Judicial Nominations, Supreme Court, Nominations