
McConnell: Krauthammer’s Work ‘In A Class Of Its Own’

‘Charles has elevated our public discourse. He’s illuminated a dizzying array of topics for his enormous audience with clear thinking and seemingly bottomless expertise.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.  Earlier today, Charles Krauthammer released a letter regarding his health condition. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) released the following statement about his friend, Charles Krauthammer:

“For the past forty years, my dear friend Charles Krauthammer has brought a piercing intellect, a sharp wit, and a deep moral conscience to his prolific career as a columnist, commentator, and bestselling author. In every case, on practically every major national issue, Charles has elevated our public discourse. He’s illuminated a dizzying array of topics for his enormous audience with clear thinking and seemingly bottomless expertise. Quite simply, his work is in a class of its own.

“More than just a political pundit, Charles Krauthammer has been a true public intellectual of our age. Like the Harvard-educated psychiatrist that he is, Charles seems to know our country and our culture better than we know ourselves. He’s helped not only conservatives, but all Americans, reason together through our biggest questions with eloquence, brilliance, and charity.

“One of the best parts of my friendship with Charles is that I never know exactly where our conversations will end up. It could be policy, history, sociology, or some other topic entirely. But I always know where they’ll begin: baseball. While I pity those who’ve had to spar with Charles on any subject, I think his tireless faith in the Washington Nationals might be the most unmovable position of all.

“I am confident Charles is facing the challenge before him with the same resolve and steadfastness that have defined his whole life. With his wife, Robyn, his son, Daniel, and surrounded by family and friends, Elaine and I pray that he finds comfort and peace in these days.”

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