
McConnell Marks the 20th Anniversary of Oklahoma City Bombing

‘Our nation pays its respects to each of these victims and their families in marking this somber anniversary.’

Louisville, KYU.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell issued the following statement today regarding the 20th anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing (April 19):

“Today, 168 empty chairs mark the spot in Oklahoma City where a nine-story building once stood. Each chair is a reminder of a life lost tragically two decades ago, when domestic terrorists showered senseless violence down upon the innocent. Our nation pays its respects to each of these victims and their families in marking this somber anniversary.

“We also pay tribute to the first responders and civilians who reminded us of the enduring strength of mercy and humanity that will always define us as Americans. These heroes helped begin the long and difficult healing process — for families, for survivors, and for a nation— that understandably accompanies any tragedy, and that still continues today. Twenty years on, we recommit to the fight against all terrorists, whether here or abroad, who would seek to subject more Americans to the same kind of senseless loss and horror.”

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