
McConnell on Fox & Friends

‘What we're seeing now on the Democratic side is a debate about whether socialism would be a good thing for America. I never thought in my lifetime we would be debating the free enterprise system in this country.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends” to discuss the crisis at the border, stopping socialism, and Iran. See below for highlights or click here to watch to the full interview.

On addressing the humanitarian crisis at our southern border:

“It's a real problem. We [recently] passed a supplemental for the floods, storm, damages we had in Puerto Rico, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Iowa, Nebraska. In the Senate, we wanted to add to it roughly $5 billion that the president requested to deal, not with the wall, but just the humanitarian part of the crisis at the border. The Democrats insisted on stripping it out. So I’m going to bring it up freestanding next week and see if they really aren't interested in dealing with this massive humanity that we have to take care of at the border. What is the objection?

“This is not about the wall, but about the humanitarian crisis. I think it is safe to say the president is getting more cooperation out of Mexico than he is out of Congressional Democrats.”

On stopping socialism:

“Holding the Senate is really important. What we're seeing now on the Democratic side is a debate about whether socialism would be a good thing for America. I never thought in my lifetime we would be debating the free enterprise system in this country. That is what we're debating.  If we hold the Senate, I’ve said—with a smile on my face—I’m the ‘Grim Reaper.’ What I meant was, none of these socialist schemes, the ‘Green New Deal,’ ‘Medicare for All,’ are going to pass the Senate. Of course, when the president is reelected that would be the backstop as well to veto that kind of stuff that would fundamentally change America into something it has never ever been.”

On Iran:

“We’re squeezing them very hard with sanctions that the Treasury Department has done an excellent job of pursuing. That is why you see them striking out with these attacks on vessels in the Persian Gulf. The sanctions are really hurting. The president made the right decision backing out of the nuclear deal because it wasn't much of a deal.”

Related Issues: Immigration, Homeland Security, Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, Infrastructure, Health Care