
McConnell on ‘Fox News at Night’ with Shannon Bream

‘On the budget, ‘[w]e got the number we wanted on defense. There will be no Democratic riders, what we call poison pills, to pursue their left-wing agenda. All of those are walled off. And it will be a chaos-free government for a year and a half. In other words, no short-term CRs, no short-term debt ceilings. It will at least present to the American people what they would expect, which is that the government would operate in a normal fashion.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined Fox News Channel’s “Fox News at Night” with Shannon Bream to discuss the budget deal reached between the Trump Administration and Speaker Pelosi, former Special Counsel Mueller’s testimony today, the Democrats’ socialist agenda, and reshaping the federal judiciary. See below for highlights or click here to watch.

On the Trump Administration-Pelosi budget deal:

“We got the number we wanted on defense. There will be no Democratic riders, what we call poison pills, to pursue their left-wing agenda. All of those are walled off. And it will be a chaos-free government for a year and a half. In other words, no short-term CRs, no short-term debt ceilings. It will at least present to the American people what they would expect, which is that the government would operate in a normal fashion. I think that's worth a lot, and we knew we'd have to give, with this Democratic House, more spending on the domestic side. We knew that going in. I think Secretary Mnuchin did a wonderful job, a spectacular job, in fact, negotiating this with Speaker Pelosi.”

On former Special Counsel Mueller’s testimony:

“The case is closed. They want him to read his report? The American people have moved on from this. You saw the vote over in the House on taking up impeachment – it didn't get much support. I think they don't understand that presidential harassment all the way to the election is not going to help them win.”

On stopping the Democrats socialist agenda:

“Margaret Thatcher said, ‘The problem with socialism is pretty soon you run out of other people's money.’ They are talking about free health care, paying – free college tuition. The Green New Deal would take away your job. Medicare-for-all would take away 180 million Americans’ private health insurance. And if they made any effort to pay for it, they'd have to have such a massive tax increase it would slow the economy further. That's what they have in mind.

“The only place where I think the president is off-base on this is it's a lot bigger than ‘The Squad’. That's just four people. This has become mainstream Democratic policy. If they get the entire government, that's what we're going to get. I've said as long as I’m the Majority Leader in the Senate, I’ve smilingly said, I'm going to be the Grim Reaper. None of that stuff is going to pass the Senate. We are not going to stand by and let America become a socialist country.”

On reshaping the federal judiciary:

“We will leave no vacancy behind. We will keep confirming these young men and women to both circuit courts and district courts until the end of next year for sure, and if the America people give the president another term and we have the Senate, we’re going to keep on doing it.”

Related Issues: Budget, Nominations, Supreme Court, National Security