
McConnell on Fox News Channel’s “The Story with Martha MacCallum”

‘We pivoted from impeachment, one of the most contentious fights you can imagine, to passing this rescue package 96-0. I was proud of the Senate. We came together in less than a week which is a very challenging thing to do in Congress.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined Martha MacCallum on Fox News yesterday to discuss the Senate’s 96-0 vote to pass the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. See below for highlights or click here to watch the full interview.

On Bipartisanship in the Senate:

“We pivoted from impeachment, one of the most contentious fights you can imagine, to passing this rescue package 96-0. I was proud of the Senate. We came together in less than a week which is a very challenging thing to do in Congress. Lots of different types of people and different points of view. And we delivered it. I'm confident that the House will pass it [tomorrow].”


On Washington Democrat’s Rhetoric:

“I wish Nancy would turn off all those political talking points. An awful lot of Americans work for big companies, so we didn't want to exclude the employees simply because of the size of their employer. She knows better than that. That's just the kind of thing that she routinely says. I hope it comforts her members because I certainly want them to take up and pass this bill that not a single Republican in the Senate opposed.”


On What’s Next in the Senate:

“Well, we have to wait and see what happens. I've sent the Senate home until April 20th. We can call everyone back if there is a need to act again. But you know, the virus invaded the Senate. At the end, we had three members out who were in quarantine as we voted last night. It was time, having finished the job, for us to follow the instructions the health care professionals have been giving all other Americans.”