
McConnell on ‘The Guy Benson Show’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined ‘The Guy Benson Show’ today to discuss police reform and judicial confirmations. See below for highlights or click here to listen to the full interview.

On Democrats’ Blocking Police Reform:

“Tim Scott had led an effort on our part to come up with a responsible police reform bill that could actually become law. And as you reported on your show, they wouldn't let us vote on it. In the Senate, there's a procedural vote to move to legislation that requires 60 votes. They wouldn't even let us take it up. So what he's [Senator Schumer] saying, in effect, is he wants to dictate the content and therefore, presumably the outcome as the minority leader.

“What nonsense. He's not interested in making a law. He’s interested in making a point. He's trying to cue this up for the fall election in order to portray us as uninterested and in responding to the legitimate concerns the American people have in the wake of the murder of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor in my hometown. It's typical Chuck Schumer.”


On the Senate’s Historic Judicial Confirmations:

“It's the single most important long term contribution we've been able to make to the country. Circuit judges are particularly important. We did the 53rd Circuit judge this week. There are no vacancies. Not a single circuit court vacancy anywhere in America. We have done 53 in three and a half years. President Obama did 55 in eight years. It's the lasting contribution we've put in place, young men and women who believe in the quaint notion that maybe a judge actually ought to follow the law.”

On Democrats Threatening the Legislative Filibuster:

“I wouldn't be surprised. They don't have much respect for the institution. The executive calendar, that is nominations, had always been handled with a simple majority anyway. Until about fifteen years ago when the Democrats started filibustering George W. Bush's nominees. So going back to a simple majority on the executive calendar that is appointments was not a dramatic change in the Senate. Changing the filibuster rule would be a totally dramatic change to turn the Senate into the House.”

Related Issues: Judicial Nominations, Law Enforcement