
McConnell Praises Finance Committee Action on Tax Reform Legislation

‘When the Senate returns after Thanksgiving, I will bring this must-pass legislation to the floor for further debate and open consideration. I hope my friends on the other side of the aisle will join us in supporting this legislation, because there is universal agreement that a tax overhaul, and taking more money out of Washington’s pocket and putting more in the pockets of American families, is an economic imperative for our nation.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued the following statement after the Senate Finance Committee reported their tax reform legislation:

“For the millions of hard-working Americans who need more money in their pockets and the chance of a better future, help is on the way.  Building off of years of work, dozens of hearings and bipartisan proposals, the Senate Finance Committee has reported a bill that will bring lasting relief to middle-class families, small businesses and American workers.  The committee, under the leadership of Chairman Hatch, considered hundreds of amendments, heard arguments from all sides and debated in an open and transparent manner.  I commend my colleagues and the legislation they put forward. 

“When the Senate returns after Thanksgiving, I will bring this must-pass legislation to the floor for further debate and open consideration.  I hope my friends on the other side of the aisle will join us in supporting this legislation, because there is universal agreement that a tax overhaul, and taking more money out of Washington’s pocket and putting more in the pockets of American families, is an economic imperative for our nation.  It’s needed to ensure our jobs and businesses aren’t shipped overseas, that families have more to spend on their children, and that our future is one of prosperity.”

Related Issues: Tax Reform, Taxes, Economy