
McConnell Promises Close Senate Review of President’s Proposed AUMF

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the President’s proposed AUMF:

“This morning, we received the President’s proposed Authorization for the Use of Military Force against ISIL and its affiliates.
“It was clear from the outset that a successful military campaign to defeat ISIL would require a multi-year effort. So it’s certainly in order for Congress to debate an authorization like this.  
“And because Congress must meet its responsibility to decide whether our military should use force, the Senate will review the President’s request thoughtfully. Individual Senators and committees of jurisdiction will review it carefully, and they’ll listen closely to the advice of military commanders as they consider the best strategy for defeating ISIL.
“Because this issue demands such serious consideration, I want our members to have an early opportunity to discuss the President’s request. That’s why, later today, our Conference will meet for a discussion led by Senators Corker and McCain.”

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