
McConnell Statement on National Security Supplemental Legislation

'From the battlefields of Ukraine to the cities and kibbutzes of Israel, and from the Red Sea to the South China Sea, our adversaries are colluding to violently undermine America, our allies, and our global interests. I make no apology for taking these linked threats seriously or for urging the Biden Administration and my colleagues in Congress to do the same.'

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) released the following statement today regarding House passage of the national security supplemental:

“The national security of the United States depends on the willingness of its leaders to build, sustain, and exercise hard power. Two months ago, after extensive debate, the Senate resolved to equip America and our friends to meet a moment of grave, coordinated challenges.

“Today, the House of Representatives finally advanced this essential investment in the strength of our alliances and partnerships, the credibility of our commitments, and the capacity of our own armed forces to defend America and deter aggression.

“Today’s action moves this critical national security supplemental one step closer to helping America and our friends to meet the most dangerous array of threats in a generation. From the battlefields of Ukraine to the cities and kibbutzes of Israel, and from the Red Sea to the South China Sea, our adversaries are colluding to violently undermine America, our allies, and our global interests.

“I make no apology for taking these linked threats seriously or for urging the Biden Administration and my colleagues in Congress to do the same. U.S. leadership remains the essential force behind the peace and prosperity enjoyed by generations of Americans. And this tremendous asset requires our attention and investment.

“The task before us is urgent. It is once again the Senate’s turn to make history.”


Related Issues: China, National Security, Ukraine, Iran, Israel, Russia