
McConnell Statement on Sanctions Against Russia

‘The Russians are not our friends. And clearly the Obama administration has not yet dissuaded them from attempting to breach our cybersecurity systems, or harass our diplomats in Moscow.’

LOUISVILLE, KY – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell issued the following statement regarding the announcement of sanctions against Russia: 

“For eight years the foreign policy of the Obama administration has rested upon an effort to drawdown America's conventional military capabilities, commitments and forward presence, and increased reliance upon international organizations and rhetoric. The inevitable consequence of this withdrawal from the globe has been an effort by dissatisfied powers such as Russia, Iran and China to expand their respective spheres of influence.   Countries unfriendly to the United States have employed cyberattacks, coercion, relied on proxy forces and have harassed American ships and aircraft.

“The Obama administration for eight years attempted to reset relations with Russia and sat passively while Russia expanded its sphere of influence, intervened in Crimea, eastern Ukraine, Syria and attempted to bully the Baltic countries. Aggressive behavior short of a military attack upon our country will only stop when it is deterred.

“The Russians are not our friends. And clearly the Obama administration has not yet dissuaded them from attempting to breach our cybersecurity systems, or harass our diplomats in Moscow.

“Sanctions against the Russian intelligence services are a good initial step, however late in coming.  As the next Congress reviews Russian actions against networks associated with the U.S. election, we must also work to ensure that any attack against the United States is met with an overwhelming response.”
