
McConnell Statement on the President’s Budget and Coal

McConnell Statement on the President’s Budget and Coal

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell released the following statement regarding the President’s plan for those struggling under his anti-coal Administration:

“It is cold comfort for the Obama Administration to suddenly propose easing the pain they’ve helped inflict on so many Kentucky coal families, but anything aimed at aiding these communities should be seriously considered. Meanwhile, I will continue to offer ways to help Kentucky’s struggling communities under the Obama economy, particularly those in coal country. The best way to help these Kentuckians is to prevent anti-coal efforts in the first place, which is one reason I’ve joined the Senate subcommittee charged with overseeing spending at the anti-coal EPA.”

NOTE:  Senator McConnell made the following comments earlier today regarding his decision to join the Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee: “This Administration continues its war against Kentucky coal jobs, our miners and their families and I have vowed to do all I can do stop them. By joining the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee, I will help oversee the budget for the EPA. You can guarantee that I will continue to fight back against this Administration’s anti-coal jobs regulations on behalf of the Kentuckians I represent in the U.S. Senate.”

McConnell Statement on the President’s Budget

‘The new Congress will focus on ways to help the Middle Class instead as we work to pass the serious kind of budget all Americans deserve: one that roots out and reforms wasteful spending, and that aims to grow Middle-Class jobs and opportunity instead of Washington’s bureaucracy.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell issued the following statement regarding the President’s budget:

“President Obama promised in the State of the Union to deliver a budget filled with ‘ideas that are practical, not partisan.’ Unfortunately, what we saw this morning was another top-down, backward-looking document that caters to powerful political bosses on the Left and never balances—ever. The new Congress will focus on ways to help the Middle Class instead as we work to pass the serious kind of budget all Americans deserve: one that roots out and reforms wasteful spending, and that aims to grow Middle-Class jobs and opportunity instead of Washington’s bureaucracy.

“We’re asking the President to abandon the tax-and-spend ways of yesterday and join us in this practical and future-oriented approach.”

Related Issues: Middle Class, Budget, EPA, Coal, Energy, Jobs