
McConnell Statement on the Tragedy in Dallas

‘We as a country mourn for the five police officers senselessly murdered during a peaceful protest. We extend our hearts to the wounded, to the families and loved ones left behind, to the entire law enforcement community, and to a nation that has experienced much suffering and heartbreak over the course of a difficult week.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement today regarding last night’s attack in Dallas and America’s support for law enforcement and their families:


“What we saw last night in Dallas was unconscionable. We as a country mourn for the five police officers senselessly murdered during a peaceful protest. We extend our hearts to the wounded, to the families and loved ones left behind, to the entire law enforcement community, and to a nation that has experienced much suffering and heartbreak over the course of a difficult week.

“This is a cruel reminder that law enforcement officials selflessly put themselves in harm’s way day in and day out to keep our communities safe. Their spouses and loved ones also carry that incredible burden with them. We as a nation are here to grieve with them, to thank them for their unwavering courage, and to reassure them that Americans will stand by them in the days to come.

“Now is the time to come together as nation, not pull further apart, and let justice and healing be our guide.”