
“Umpteenth Iteration of the Same Partisan Power Grab” Will Fail in Senate, As It Should

‘I understand that Democrats are concerned about their reelections. Citizens are unhappy with the never-ending series of national crises that Democrats’ policies are inflicting on their families. The solution to their unpopularity is not this obsessive quest to rewrite election law and rig the game. It is to stop ramming through terrible policies that hurt families and help China.’

LOUISVILLE, KYU.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued the following statement on the Democrats’ latest effort to federalize all 50 states’ elections:

“Another week, another effort by Washington Democrats to create fake drama over a proposed election takeover that will go nowhere.

“Senator Schumer wants to stage another political stunt around the umpteenth iteration of the same partisan power grab that the Senate has already considered and rejected repeatedly. It is the same rotten core as Speaker Pelosi’s H.R. 1 with slightly amended window dressing. Democrats call this latest repackaging a ‘compromise,’ but it’s only a compromise among themselves. It is not a compromise for the left and the far left to discuss how much power they should grab.

“All the facts about voting and turnout contradict the far-left hysteria about our democracy. But this has never been about reality. Democrats have pushed the same legislative proposals after 2016, when they claimed our democracy was in crisis and needed an overhaul, and after 2020, when they switched to claiming that our democracy is unimpeachably strong if only red states would leave it alone. Democrats’ claims turn on a dime every couple of years, but somehow their desired response never changes: Giving Washington Democrats vast and unprecedented partisan power to micromanage elections across America.

“I understand that Democrats are concerned about their reelections. Citizens are unhappy with the never-ending series of national crises that Democrats’ policies are inflicting on their families. The solution to their unpopularity is not this obsessive quest to rewrite election law and rig the game. It is to stop ramming through terrible policies that hurt families and help China.

“The Senate is designed to stop bad ideas and purely partisan proposals while helping truly necessary and bipartisan bills become law. As we have shown in the recent past, the Senate is fully capable of making law in this area when actual issues need actual solutions and actual bipartisan work occurs. By contrast, there is nothing necessary or bipartisan about this naked power grab, so it will continue to go nowhere.”

Related Issues: Senate Democrats, Campaigns & Elections