Press Releases


ICYMI: McConnell on Fox News Channel’s ‘Special Report’

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined Mike Emanuel on Fox News Channel's 'Special Report' tonight. See below for highlights or click here to watch the interview. On 'the tale of two [infrastructure] press conferences': "Well, I was initially optimistic but it can best be described as a tale of two press conferences. After the first one, the President walks out with a bipartisan group and blesses an infrastructure bill that many of my members are quite… Continue Reading


Leader McConnell Meets With President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan

Download the photo here. WASHINGTON, D.C. -U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) released the following statement after meeting with President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan: "I was honored to help welcome President Ghani to the Capitol at a critical moment in our two countries' relationship. "For decades, the people of Afghanistan and their democratic government have been essential partners in our shared fight against terrorism. During much of that time, brave Afghans have taken … Continue Reading


ICYMI: Leader McConnell on The Guy Benson Show

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined the Guy Benson radio show this afternoon. See below for highlights or click here to listen to the interview. On the "laundry list of deplorable ideas" in S.1: "So they call it a voting rights bill but here's what it is, a partisan takeover of the Federal Election Commission which has been 3:3 for over half a century so that neither other party can take advantage of each other. The Federal Election Commission is t… Continue Reading


ICYMI: McConnell, Senate Republicans Call Out “Unacceptable” Elections Power Grab

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined 15 of his Republican colleagues at a press conference today to speak out against the upcoming floor consideration of S.1. Click here to view his remarks. "I think all of you surely know how all Republicans feel about this proposal. It's a solution in search of a problem. "The rationale for it has changed over the years. After the 2016 election, the same bill was introduced in the House and as soon as they got the ma… Continue Reading


New S. 1 ‘Compromise’, Same Rotten Core

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued the following statement regarding S.1: "Senate Democrats seem to have reached a so-called "compromise" election takeover among themselves. In reality, the plan endorsed by Stacey Abrams is no compromise. It still subverts the First Amendment to supercharge cancel culture and the left's name-and-shame campaign model. It takes redistricting away from state legislatures and hands it over to computers. And it still retai… Continue Reading


Senate Republicans to Biden DOJ: “Do Your Jobs” on IRS Leaks

WASHINGTON D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-IA), and Finance Committee Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-ID) sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding a prompt investigation and prosecution of the latest IRS leak of confidential taxpayer information. The following are excerpts from the letter: […] "Paying one's taxes is a civic duty, and that duty re… Continue Reading


ICYMI: Leader McConnell on Hugh Hewitt

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined the Hugh Hewitt radio show this morning. See below for highlights or click here to listen to the entire interview. On Infrastructure Talks: "Look, both sides would like to get an infrastructure bill. Here are the red lines on our side. We're not going to reopen the 2017 tax bill. It was the major factor in bringing us the best economy in 50 years as of February, 2020, before the pandemic hit. And we want it to be paid… Continue Reading


McConnell on ‘America’s Newsroom’

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined Dana Perino and Bill Hemmer on Fox News Channel's 'America's Newsroom' this morning. See below for highlights or click here to watch the full interview. On Democrats' Designed to Fail Agenda: "You have to start with last year's election, Dana. It's a 50-50 Senate and the Democrats have a handful of seats as a majority in the House. The American people didn't vote for this radical left-wing agenda. So why would we … Continue Reading


McConnell: President Biden’s Budget “Would Drown American Families in Debt, Deficits, and Inflation”

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued the following statement today regarding President Biden's budget announcement: "Now we know why the Administration tried to bury their budget announcement on the Friday before a holiday weekend. "President Biden's proposal would drown American families in debt, deficits, and inflation. Even after the massive tax hikes Democrats want to force on the American people, they'd still have the government running trillion-p… Continue Reading


McConnell on CNBC’s “Squawk On The Street”

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined CNBC's "Squawk On The Street" this morning. See below for highlights or click here to watch the full interview. On the Democrats' Hard-Left Turn Hurting Our Economy: "Let me quote Larry Summers, who was Bill Clinton's Secretary of the Treasury, and Barack Obama's head of the Council of Economic Advisers. He said at the beginning of the year that the previous package, the so-called rescue package, would create a wave o… Continue Reading


McConnell Opens Discussion On Outlook For Democracy In Burma

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today at a Heritage Foundation virtual discussion with leaders of Burma's democracy movement: "Hello, I'm Senator Mitch McConnell. "Historically, even among foreign policy experts, Burma has received very little attention in Washington. But its struggle for democracy and self-determination has been a personal focus of mine for multiple decades. I've known Daw Aung San Suu Kyi for many years… Continue Reading


Leader McConnell on ‘Kudlow’

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined Larry Kudlow on Fox Business' 'Kudlow' this afternoon. See below for highlights or click here to watch the full interview. On the Democrats' Economic Mismanagement: "Well, 22 states [have opted out] of the extra [unemployment insurance] bonus from the federal government. It is actually impeding our ability to get people back to work. I heard you talking about that. "A couple of weeks ago I spent the whole week at… Continue Reading


McConnell on Fox News Channel’s ‘Special Report with Bret Baier’

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined Bret Baier on Fox News Channel's 'Special Report with Bret Baier' tonight. See below for highlights or click here to watch the full interview. On Today's White House Meeting on Infrastructure: "No staff in there, just the six of us. The vice president was there. We had a very cordial meeting for about an hour and a half and discussed an issue upon which there is a great chance we could get a bipartisan outcome. A… Continue Reading


Senate Republicans to Biden Education Department: Withdraw Proposal to Skew U.S. History and Civics Toward “a Politicized and Divisive Agenda”

WASHINGTON D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and more than 30 members of the Senate Republican Conference sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona requesting the withdrawal of the Department's "Proposed Priorities" on American history and civics education. The following are excerpts from the letter: […] "This is a time to strengthen the teaching of civics and American history in our schools. Instead, your Proposed Priorities double down on di… Continue Reading


McConnell on ‘The Story with Martha MacCallum’

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined Martha MacCallum on Fox News Channel's 'The Story with Martha MacCallum' this afternoon. See below for highlights or click here to watch the full interview. On the Democrats' Far-Left Prescription for America: "First, the government is not the people. The President got it exactly wrong. This is a massive engagement or recommendation that we engage in higher taxes, more spending and dramatically more debt. Senator Ro… Continue Reading


Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina Delivers Republican Address to the Nation

WASHINGTON D.C. - Tonight, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) delivered the Republican Address to the Nation following the President's remarks to the joint session of Congress. Below is the text of the Address as prepared for delivery: "Good evening. I'm Senator Tim Scott from the great state of South Carolina. "We just heard President Biden's first address to Congress. Our President seems like a good man. His speech was full of good words. "But President Biden promised you a specific kind of leadership. … Continue Reading


Excerpts: Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina Delivers the Republican Address to the Nation

WASHINGTON D.C. - Tonight, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) will deliver the Republican Address to the Nation following the President's remarks to the joint session of Congress. Below are excerpts from the Address: […] Locking vulnerable kids out of the classroom is locking adults out of their future. Our public schools should have reopened months ago. Other countries' did. Private and religious schools did. Science has shown for months that schools are safe. But too often, powerful grown-ups set… Continue Reading


Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina Will Deliver Republican Address to the Nation

WASHINGTON D.C. - Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) announced today U.S. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) will deliver the Republican Address to the Nation following the Joint Session of Congress next Wednesday April 28: "Senator Tim Scott is not just one of the strongest leaders in our Senate Republican Conference. He is one of the most inspiring and unifying leaders in our nation. As Sen. Scott likes to say, he is living his mother's Americ… Continue Reading


McConnell on Court-Packing Commission: Disdain for Judicial Independence

LOUISVILLE, KY - - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued the following statement on the White House's creation of a commission to study packing the Supreme Court: "Today's announcement is a direct assault on our nation's independent judiciary and yet another sign of the Far Left's influence over the Biden Administration. "Rational observers know well there is nothing about the structure or operation of the judicial branch that requires 'study.' Constitutional scholars and… Continue Reading


McConnell, Inhofe, Rubio, Graham, and Shelby Statement on Biden’s Disappointing Defense Budget

'Talk is cheap, but defending our country is not. We can't afford to fail in our constitutional responsibility to provide for the common defense.' WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Vice Chairman Marco Rubio (R-FL), Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Richard Shelby (R-AL) issue… Continue Reading

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