Press Releases

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McConnell Statement on Captain Khan

LOUISVILLE, KY - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement Sunday: "Captain Khan was an American hero, and like all Americans I'm grateful for the sacrifices that selfless young men like Capt. Khan and their families have made in the war on terror. All Americans should value the patriotic service of ‎the patriots who volunteer to selflessly defend us in the armed services. And as I have long made clear, I agree with the Khans and families across the country th… Continue Reading


Leader McConnell Statement on Democrat Filibuster of Department of Defense Funding Bill

"It is inexcusable to see Senate Democrats filibustering the defense appropriations bill, jeopardizing both our combat readiness and our national security. "This defense appropriations measure, like every other Fiscal Year 2017 funding bill, respects the budget caps in place and was reported out of committee at the earliest point in more than a decade - despite all of Democrats efforts to dismantle the appropriations process. It also earned the support of every single Democrat in committee. As … Continue Reading


The Attacks in Brussels

LOUISVILLE, KY -- U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement Tuesday regarding the terrorist attacks in Brussels: "Americans are saddened and horrified by the attacks in Brussels. We send our collective condolences to the victims and their families and we are thinking of the Belgian people in this dark hour. "Defeating ISIL, al Qaeda and its affiliates will require concerted action by the military, our intelligence community, and our international partners. Our nat… Continue Reading


McConnell Previews President’s Speech

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement in advance of the President's speech to the nation: "As we approach the last year of President Obama's term, Americans understand that the terrorist threat has evolved but not vanished-and it has certainly not been 'contained.' Whether ISIL terrorists are training in camps in Syria or using online magazines to instruct and inspire lone wolves, they represent a serious threat to this country and now is th… Continue Reading


Remembering Tragic Loss, Heroism on September 11th

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement on the anniversary of the attacks of 9/11 and the response of the American people: "Americans again bow their heads in solemn commemoration of tragic loss, resolving never to forget the thousands of innocent lives taken 14 years ago. Americans again raise their hearts in remembrance of uncommon heroism, resolving never to forget fearless bravery high above white clouds or selfless compassion deep within … Continue Reading

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