
A Fitting Tribute For ‘America’s Pastor’

‘Yesterday, thousands of Americans packed the Rotunda to pay their respects. And all across our country, people are giving thanks for the extraordinary contributions of this good and faithful servant.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the Congressional tribute to the late Reverend Billy Graham in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol:   

“Yesterday, we welcomed the president, the vice president, and the family of the late Rev. Billy Graham as he laid in honor here in the Capitol. This is a very rare tribute, even rarer for an American without government or military service.

“But it perfectly suits the remarkable man whose preaching inspired hundreds of millions worldwide, who counseled presidents and world leaders across generations, and whom an entire nation came to know as ‘America’s pastor.’ Billy Graham’s powerful preaching and his historic revivals brought so many closer to God because his work was not, ultimately, about him.

“‘The secret of my work,’ he explained, ‘is God. I would be nothing without him.’ His personal strengths and talents were mighty. But it was his kindness, his humility, and his total fidelity to faith and family that defined his life and ministry.

“I am glad that Congress could honor the great Rev. Graham in this way. Yesterday, thousands of Americans packed the Rotunda to pay their respects. And all across our country, people are giving thanks for the extraordinary contributions of this good and faithful servant.”


Related Issues: Tributes, History