
America’s Economy is Reaching New Heights

‘The trends we’re seeing across the country today are exactly what this united Republican government had in mind when we passed generational tax reform…the ball is in the American people’s court. They’ll keep taking it and running with it -- creating jobs and new prosperity across the country. And here in Congress, Republicans will keep working hard to help them do it.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the benefits Americans continue to see from the Republican pro-opportunity, pro-worker agenda:

“For months, we’ve heard the firsthand accounts of American workers and job creators who have felt the immediate impacts of Republicans’ pro-growth, pro-opportunity agenda. We’ve heard from working parents who have received raises and special bonuses as a result of once-in-a-generation tax reform.

“We’ve heard from small- and medium-sized business owners, who have been able to make larger investments in their workers, facilities, and products thanks to increased regulatory certainty. And with every new job created -- every pay raise passed along -- we’ve seen that these stories are not disconnected anecdotes. Rather, they’re part of larger trends in an American economy that is reaching new heights.

“For example, here on the floor I’ve highlighted small businesses in Montana, and the ways they’re using tax reform savings to drive their local economies forward -- how Stricks Ag has awarded worker bonuses, and Thompson River Lumber has invested in new equipment. Well, earlier this month, Governor Bullock, and the Montana Department of Labor and Industry released a report that suggests that the state’s economy is showing signs of wide-reaching prosperity.

“In other words, the stories my colleagues and I have been hearing for months are no fluke. In the last year, Montana entrepreneurs founded nearly three thousand new enterprises. And according to Governor Bullock, the unemployment rate is, quote, ‘the lowest it’s been in over a decade in Montana.’ Over the past year and half, this united Republican government has implemented a bold, pro-growth agenda to help create the conditions for Montana workers and job creators to write this new chapter. And the signs we’re seeing today are truly remarkable. But they shouldn’t come as a surprise.

“The trends we’re seeing across the country today are exactly what this united Republican government had in mind when we passed generational tax reform. They’re exactly what one of Montana’s senators had in mind when he voted to deliver it. What a shame that their other senator joined Senate Democrats in lockstep opposition. These days, the ball is in the American people’s court. They’ll keep taking it and running with it -- creating jobs and new prosperity across the country. And here in Congress, Republicans will keep working hard to help them do it.”

Related Issues: Taxes, Tax Reform, Jobs, Economy