
Bipartisan, Bicameral Cooperation Needed to Fund Government

‘First, with bipartisan, bicameral cooperation, we can safely fund the federal government through mid-December so talks can continue. And then, with more cooperation, we can reach agreement on allocations and pass as many of the 12 appropriations bills as possible before the end of the year.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the Senate agenda and the need to fund the government, process nominations:

“For weeks now, almost daily, I have spoken about the need to get our appropriations process back on track. The need for bipartisan agreement to fund the federal government, and particularly to provide our military commanders with the resources and stability they need.

“That kind of smooth process is exactly what Congress was on track for a few months ago. Leaders in both parties, in both houses, and at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue signed onto a deal that set topline funding levels and ruled out obstacles like poison pills.

“Alas, as I have discussed at length, policy riders crept back into the process and our discussions stalled. As a result, we’re behind schedule. We need to get results on appropriations before the end of the year. So while the House and the Senate continue negotiations on setting the allocations, we need to buy more time.

“The House and the Senate need to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government through December 20th and allow these talks to continue. The Senate can’t originate this funding bill, but we will wait to receive legislation from the House and then vote on it before we head back to our home states.

“This is what we need: A CR, as clean as possible, through Dec. 20th, to enable more progress on appropriations before the end of the year. A clean CR through December 20th would pass the Senate. And the White House has indicated President Trump would sign it.

“Let me say that again: The administration indicates the president is willing and ready to sign a clean CR through December 20th so that we can finish our work.

“This is our opportunity to get a bipartisan process back on track.

“First, with bipartisan, bicameral cooperation, we can safely fund the federal government through mid-December so talks can continue. And then, with more cooperation, we can reach agreement on allocations and pass as many of the 12 appropriations bills as possible before the end of the year.

“Now, on another matter…While we wait on the House, the Senate will take the opportunity to consider three more of President Trump’s well-qualified nominees to the federal bench and the diplomatic corps.

“Later today, we’ll vote to advance the nomination of Justice Robert Luck of Florida, the president’s impressive nominee to be a U.S. Circuit Judge for the 11th Circuit.

“And then we will consider Justice Barbara Lagoa, also nominated to the 11th Circuit. Both are impressive nominees with sterling qualifications – two more fine choices by President Trump.

“And finally, the Senate will turn its attention to the diplomatic corps and confirm Adrian Zuckerman of New Jersey to serve as Ambassador to Romania.

“I hope each of my colleagues will join me in supporting all three confirmations as the Senate continues to give the American people the government for which they voted.”

Related Issues: Judicial Nominations, Nominations, Appropriations, Budget