
Cybersecurity Bill Is ‘strong, transparent, and bipartisan,’ McConnell Says

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act:

“Earlier this year, millions of people were affected when the Obama Administration was hit by a devastating cyberattack. It’s an attack that’s been described as ‘one of the worst breaches in U.S. history.’ But it’s hardly the last one we’ll face.

“The challenges posed by cyberattacks are real and they’re growing. They threaten governments, businesses, and individuals.

“Americans see these threats in the public sector. For instance:

“As reports have indicated, the sensitive personal information of millions who purchase insurance through Obamacare is especially vulnerable.

“And Americans see these threats in the private sector too. For instance:

“Despite the cyber deal recently agreed between China and the Administration, press reports indicate that Chinese hacking attempts on American companies and businesses appear to be continuing unabated.

“Americans also know that a cyberattack is essentially a personal attack on their own privacy.

“It’s violating to think of strangers digging through medical records and emails.

“It’s worrying to think of criminals accessing credit card numbers and Social Security information.

“That’s why the Senate will again consider bipartisan legislation to help protect Americans’ most private and personal information. It would do so by defeating cyberattacks through the sharing of information.

“It contains modern tools that cybersecurity experts tell us could help prevent future attacks against both the public and private sectors.

“It contains important measures to protect individual privacy and civil liberties.

“And it’s been carefully scrutinized by Senators of both parties.

“In short: This legislation is strong, transparent, and bipartisan.

“Republicans and Democrats joined together to pass this legislation through committee, the Administration supports it, and the House has already passed similar legislation.

“With a little cooperation, we can pass it here shortly too.

“The Chair of the Intelligence Committee is working to set votes on pending amendments and has accommodated other Senators in the form of a substitute amendment. I would like to thank him for his hard work on this legislation. I would like to thank the Vice Chair too.

“Every Senator should want to protect Americans’ most private and personal information, which means every Senator should want to see this bill pass. With cooperation, we will.”

Related Issues: Cybersecurity, China