
Democratic House Continues to Churn Out One Left-Wing Messaging Bill After Another

‘The last thing we need is for the socialist delusions of the “Green New Deal” and Medicare for All to be copied-and-pasted onto innovations and cures, putting them at risk. Fortunately, this Republican Senate won’t let the Speaker’s dangerous proposal hurt the country. We’ll stay focused on the American people’s business. And we’ll keep hoping our friends across the building put aside the political performances and join with us to work on real solutions with a real chance of becoming real laws.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the House Democrats’ socialist agenda:

“While Senate Republicans continue to seek bipartisan solutions, the story on the other side of the Capitol has been a little bit different. Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic House continue to neglect opportunities to find compromises that might actually become law, and instead churn out on one left-wing messaging bill after another. Two weeks ago, just days before Iran’s coordinated attack on the world’s largest oil processing facility in Saudi Arabia, House Democrats took it upon themselves to send us several pieces of legislation that would have reduced American energy independence.

“Domestic energy is a driver of American prosperity and one of the big national success stories of recent years. But the House Democrats want us to retreat. They sent us go-nowhere legislation the Senate will not pass and the president will not sign. And then, lest a whole week go by without one of these exercises, here’s what happened last week: House Democrats began unveiling Speaker Pelosi’s handmade plan to have Washington D.C. bureaucrats start micromanaging Americans’ prescription drugs. It’s the same old one-size fits all, government-controlled philosophy we continue to see from Democrats: Forget about choice and competition. Forget about free enterprise and finding ways to unleash more market forces to help consumers.

“Just give Washington bureaucrats more power to clumsily call the shots and manipulate markets from the top down. Predictably, what this plan amounts to is not an efficient, effective way to help American families; but an efficient, effective way to bring even more of the economy under the bureaucracy’s thumb and potentially set us on track toward nationalizing a major industry. There are millions of Americans who benefit from our nation’s incredible innovations and R&D breakthroughs on new drug treatments and cures. We shouldn’t jeopardize that.

“American families deserve more choice, more competition, and more affordability. The last thing we need is for the socialist delusions of the ‘Green New Deal’ and Medicare for All to be copied-and-pasted onto innovations and cures, putting them at risk. Fortunately, this Republican Senate won’t let the Speaker’s dangerous proposal hurt the country. We’ll stay focused on the American people’s business. And we’ll keep hoping our friends across the building put aside the political performances and join with us to work on real solutions with a real chance of becoming real laws.”