
Economic Policies That Focus on Growth and Job Creation

‘For the past eight years, burdensome regulations put forth by the Obama Administration have held our economy back and taken a toll on too many hardworking Americans. Fortunately, we now have an administration that has already proven its commitment to easing the regulatory burden on our economy and advancing policies that actually promote economic growth and job creation.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding this afternoon’s briefing on North Korea, President Trump’s nominees, and the upcoming government funding bill:

“North Korea's determined effort to field a nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missile threatens the United States and our allies.  Kim Jong-Un has, by all appearances, broken from a predictable cycle of escalation demonstrated by previous leaders, where the regime takes a provocative action, draws the U.S. into a negotiation, and extracts concessions. Instead, Kim appears willing to risk the disapproval of the U.N. and our regional allies by undertaking a breakneck testing program.

“The president has made clear that a North Korea that is armed with a nuclear-armed missile — a capability they have yet to test — is unacceptable to us and threatens our vital national security interest.  Thus, in order to allow the Senate to better understand this threat, I asked the administration to brief all Senators on the issue, and the president graciously offered to hold the meeting at the White House. I encourage all Senators to attend this afternoon's meeting.

“Now on another matter.  I’m pleased that the Senate voted yesterday to confirm Rod Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General, despite the unnecessary delay, and I look forward to advancing another nominee today.

“For the past eight years, burdensome regulations put forth by the Obama Administration have held our economy back and taken a toll on too many hardworking Americans. Fortunately, we now have an administration that has already proven its commitment to easing the regulatory burden on our economy and advancing policies that actually promote economic growth and job creation.

“The Department of Labor nominee before us today, Alexander Acosta, shares that commitment, and he has just the right experience to address these issues.  Mr. Acosta was previously confirmed to three positions by voice votes here in the Senate — meaning not a single Senator of either party recorded a voted in opposition — so it’s no surprise that he’s earned a host of bipartisan support for his current nomination as well.

“We should confirm him without delay. The sooner we do, the sooner he can advance labor policies that put American workers, businesses, and our economy first.

“Now on another important matter currently being discussed here in the Senate.  Conversations are ongoing about the way forward on a government spending bill.  Our friends on the other side of the aisle sent me a letter asking for this bill to reject poison pill riders. I would suggest that, if they take their own advice, we can finish this negotiation and produce a good agreement that both sides can support.”