
Hiring Rate in America at 11-Year High

‘The evidence keeps mounting that -- with Republicans at the helm in the White House, the House, and the Senate -- the American people are enjoying what amounts to the most pro-worker, pro-opportunity economic moment in recent memory…The jobs report released last week showed, in June, that the rate of hiring throughout the U.S. hit an 11-year high.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the benefits Americans continue to see from the Republican pro-opportunity, pro-worker agenda:

“The evidence keeps mounting that -- with Republicans at the helm in the White House, the House, and the Senate -- the American people are enjoying what amounts to the most pro-worker, pro-opportunity economic moment in recent memory.

Already in 2018, the number of Americans who say it’s a good time to find a quality job has risen to its highest level in at least 17 years of data on record. The jobs report released last week showed, in June, that the rate of hiring throughout the U.S. hit an 11-year high. And interestingly, American workers voluntarily left their jobs at the highest rate in 17 years.

“I’d like to drill down on this last point for just a moment. During the Obama administration, we heard a great deal of talk from our Democratic friends about a phenomenon they called ‘job lock.’ The idea was that many workers were trapped in jobs that did not pay enough or didn’t take full advantage of their skills because there weren’t enough open opportunities to justify taking the leap and looking for a better position.

“Well, Republicans agreed with our Democratic colleagues that we could build a better economy for middle-class workers. We just didn’t think that tax increases and massive new regulations were the way to do it. And now, following a year and a half of Republican policies including historic tax reform, the voluntary quit rate hit a 17-year high. Workers feel free to climb up the ladder and move on to bigger and better things. Just one more data point. This economy is thriving. And Republicans’ bold agenda is helping make it happen.”

Related Issues: Taxes, Jobs, Economy