
Honoring John McCain

‘As I noted yesterday, the Senate is eager to work on concrete ways to continue this momentum and provide a lasting tribute to this American hero long after this week’s observances are complete… In order to make sure we realize these intentions, I’d like to put together an official group that can collaborate and bring together ideas from current members, former colleagues, and friends.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the passing of his dear friend and colleague, U.S. Senator John S. McCain (R-AZ):

“It was quite something to listen yesterday to members’ heartfelt tributes to the memory of Senator McCain. He meant so much to so many of us -- inside this chamber and out. As I noted yesterday, the Senate is eager to work on concrete ways to continue this momentum and provide a lasting tribute to this American hero long after this week’s observances are complete.

“Following Sen. Ted Kennedy’s death in 2009, for example, we named the Kennedy Caucus Room to honor his and his brothers’ public service. Some have suggested we take a similar step so that the Armed Services Committee, on which our friend played such a critical role, would meet in a committee room named for Sen. McCain. And back in 2000, the Senate approved recommendations to add two additional portraits to the Capitol’s Senate Reception Room, right off the Senate floor.

“Only seven Senators in the entire history of this institution are honored with portraits there. I had the opportunity to serve in the bipartisan group that successfully recommended that Senators Arthur Vandenberg and Robert Wagner should appear there alongside Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, John Calhoun, Robert La Follette, Sr., and Robert Taft, Sr., who were selected by a special committee in 1957. I’ve also heard in recent days that perhaps Senator McCain’s portrait should join that distinguished group. So it’s a further tribute to our colleague that there’s no shortage of good ideas.

“In order to make sure we realize these intentions, I’d like to put together an official group that can collaborate and bring together ideas from current members, former colleagues, and friends. It will be bipartisan -- as only befits John’s legacy. And come to think of it, we should probably call it not a committee, but a gang. So I’m glad we’ll be able to form this gang to ensure that a suitable, lasting tribute becomes a reality. I’ll have more details regarding this group to share in the coming days, after our friend is laid to rest.”

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