
House Democrats’ Proposal Ignores the Needs of Border Security, Won’t Pass Senate, McConnell Says

‘The legislation that House Democrats are reportedly planning to introduce would not be a serious contribution to these negotiations. It isn’t comprehensive. It ignores the needs of border security. It’s exactly the kind of proposal you’d expect if the incoming House Democrats were choosing to stage a political sideshow rather than do the hard work of helping to govern the country. A total non-starter.’

WASHINGTON, D.C- U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the need to secure our border and fund the government:

“First, I’d like to wish my colleagues a happy New Year. It’s a time for new beginnings. Tomorrow will kick off the 116th Congress. Of course, there’s urgent business that the new House and the new Senate will need to tackle immediately.

“Democrats will have to get serious about border security so that a government funding agreement may be reached that can pass the House, earn 60 votes here in the Senate, and receive a presidential signature. All three of these things are needed. One partisan vote in the House tomorrow won’t solve anything.

“The legislation that House Democrats are reportedly planning to introduce would not be a serious contribution to these negotiations. It isn’t comprehensive. It ignores the needs of border security. It’s exactly the kind of proposal you’d expect if the incoming House Democrats were choosing to stage a political sideshow rather than do the hard work of helping to govern the country. A total non-starter.

“Will these new Democrats come to Washington ready to roll up their sleeves, work together, and make laws? Or are they going to waste time on partisan show votes that will do nothing to move the country forward? That’s the question: Political performance art or responsible governance? We’ll get an early signal in the next few days.

“But let me make this perfectly clear: The Senate will not waste its time considering a Democrat bill which cannot pass this chamber and which the president will not sign.

“Now, on another matter, I am pleased to announce this evening that the Democratic Leader and I have reached an agreement to confirm a number of the Administration’s nominees. In just a moment, I’ll be requesting unanimous consent to confirm a series of several well-qualified individuals to serve in important executive branch posts. Each of them will be confirmed. I’m glad that the president will have more of his rightful team in place. And I’m glad that this group of newly-confirmed nominees will be able to get to work on important business for the American people.”

Related Issues: Immigration, Appropriations, Homeland Security