
In Pompeo, ‘The Senate Can Ensure the Nation Has a Chief Diplomat Who Enjoys the Complete Confidence of the President’

‘We all know Mike’s resume. He’s a graduate of the Military Academy and Harvard Law School. He’s served as a U.S. Army officer, on the House Intelligence Committee, and as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. In my view, Mike Pompeo is uniquely qualified to restore esprit de corps throughout the ranks of the Foreign Service. I can’t imagine a better choice for Secretary of State than Mike Pompeo.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the president’s nominee for Secretary of State, Director Mike Pompeo:

“I’d like to say a few words this morning about Mike Pompeo, our CIA Director and the president’s extremely capable choice to serve as Secretary of State. In recent days, the world learned Director Pompeo had undertaken initial conversations with representatives of North Korea, in an effort to bring Kim Jong Un to the table and discuss denuclearizing the Korean peninsula. Pursued with clear-eyed realism and clear objectives, this is a worthy effort, and in the best interests of the United States, our allies, and the world.

“Although every Commander-in-Chief has insisted it would be unacceptable for North Korea to obtain a nuclear-armed Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, it is this administration that finds itself having to actually accomplish that objective. So as a matter of policy, I was encouraged by this news. Based on Director Pompeo’s impressive record at the CIA, the North Koreans undoubtedly view him as credible, determined, and insightful. The quiet nature of these discussions reflect their seriousness.

“The mission also speaks to Mike Pompeo’s future as Secretary of State. Here is a man who -- through mastery of the daily briefings he receives, counsel on our nation’s most sensitive intelligence activities, and proven leadership in returning our CIA to the aggressive gathering of foreign intelligence -- has inspired the confidence of not only the national clandestine service, but also the Commander-in-Chief. Hallmarks of Mike’s leadership are listening, trusting career staff, acting decisively, and treating everyone fairly.

“I’ve recently heard some critics claim the Trump administration places too little emphasis on diplomacy.  In truth, the public statements of Secretary Mattis, former Secretary Tillerson, and former national security advisor McMaster have signaled a clear preference for aggressive, realistic diplomacy over potentially risking American lives. But regardless, in confirming Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State, the Senate can ensure the nation has a chief diplomat who enjoys the complete confidence of the president.

“Those who claim to want a larger role for diplomacy should match those words with action and vote to approve him. We all know Mike’s resume. He’s a graduate of the Military Academy and Harvard Law School. He’s served as a U.S. Army officer, on the House Intelligence Committee, and as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. In my view, Mike Pompeo is uniquely qualified to restore esprit de corps throughout the ranks of the Foreign Service. I can’t imagine a better choice for Secretary of State than Mike Pompeo.”

Related Issues: National Security, North Korea, Nominations