
James Ho Will Excel on the Fifth Circuit

‘Next, we will advance the nomination of James Ho to be a judge on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Mr. Ho is another well-qualified individual, and like all of President Trump’s judicial nominees, he is dedicated to upholding the rule of law and serving as an impartial arbiter on the bench.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding President Trump’s nominee for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, James Ho:

“This week, the Senate is continuing to consider President Trump’s outstanding judicial nominees. Yesterday, we confirmed a talented individual to be a circuit court judge. And soon, we’ll confirm another.

“Next, we will advance the nomination of James Ho to be a judge on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Mr. Ho is another well-qualified individual, and like all of President Trump’s judicial nominees, he is dedicated to upholding the rule of law and serving as an impartial arbiter on the bench.

“Similar to Justice Willett, who I discussed yesterday, Mr. Ho has an inspirational story. Immigrating to the United States from Taiwan at the age of one, he learned English by watching Sesame Street. He went on to graduate from the University of Chicago Law School with high honors, and earned a clerkship with Judge Jerry E. Smith of the Fifth Circuit.

“In 2001, Mr. Ho joined the Department of Justice as the Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights and later worked in the Office of Legal Counsel. In addition to his service in the executive branch, he worked here in the Senate as Chief Counsel for the Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution.

“Afterward, he went across the street to clerk for Associate Justice Clarence Thomas. After his distinguished and successful legal career in Washington, Mr. Ho returned to Texas, joining a top law firm and specializing in appellate litigation. He then served as the Solicitor General of Texas, succeeding our colleague, Senator Cruz. It was while he was serving in that role that he won the Supreme Court Best Brief award from the National Association of Attorneys General. He went on to earn the award two more times. 

“After his time in state government, Mr. Ho returned to his private practice firm and currently serves as the co-chair of its appellate and constitutional law group. He has presented oral arguments in state and federal courts around the country, including the Supreme Court. It’s clear that Mr. Ho possesses impressive credentials with the experience necessary to excel on the Fifth Circuit.

“He has also earned the praise of prominent Democrats who believe that he will make an excellent addition to the federal court. Ron Kirk, the Obama Administration’s U.S. Trade Representative and the former Mayor of Dallas, supported Mr. Ho’s nomination to the Judiciary Committee. He wrote, ‘Jim possesses the temperament, integrity, and intellect that anyone, Republican or Democrat, should insist on in a federal judge.’

“‘He’s wickedly smart,’ Mr. Kirk continued, ‘and is among the most brilliant appellate lawyers in the United States.’ 

“‘If there is one thing that my liberal and conservative colleagues agree on, it is that Jim just has it in his DNA to be a great judge.’

“A Commissioner on the United States Commission on Civil Rights appointed by President Obama also recommended Mr. Ho in a letter to the Judiciary Committee. She knows him from his volunteer work with the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association. She wrote that he, ‘has a strong reputation as an intelligent, reasonable, fair and principled attorney.’

“I would like to commend President Trump for another strong nomination. I would also like to express my gratitude to Chairman Grassley and the members of the Judiciary Committee for their work to process the president’s judicial nominees. I look forward to advancing Mr. Ho’s nomination soon.” 

Related Issues: Judicial Nominations, Nominations