
John Bush: A Man Of Integrity And Considerable Ability

‘Today the Senate will vote to move forward on the nomination of John Bush, of Kentucky, to serve as a judge on the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. As I said when I introduced Mr. Bush to the Judiciary Committee, I am pleased to join the bipartisan chorus of voices supporting his nomination. More than 100 attorneys and law professors from around the country have written in support of his nomination.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding John Bush, of Kentucky, the president’s nominee for the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals: 

“Today the Senate will vote to move forward on the nomination of John Bush, of Kentucky, to serve as a judge on the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. As I said when I introduced Mr. Bush to the Judiciary Committee, I am pleased to join the bipartisan chorus of voices supporting his nomination. More than 100 attorneys and law professors from around the country have written in support of his nomination. Nearly one-third of these supporters are Democrats. They laud Mr. Bush’s ’excellence, professionalism, and leadership in the legal profession.’ They also note his ’capacity to approach issues with an open mind and to respectfully consider viewpoints of others.’

“In addition, some of his supporters from across the ideological spectrum and from around the country who've known Mr. Bush for decades have written separately to underscore their support for his nomination. They are confident that he understands the role of a judge, which is to fairly consider the arguments of both sides in a case and then to decide that case based on the law, and nothing else. Indeed, it is precisely because of his firm belief in the rule of law that they strongly support his nomination, despite the fact that he and they may hold different political and policy views. 

“As an illustration, I think we can agree that it is not common for current or former leaders of Planned Parenthood to praise the judicial nominees of Republican presidents, just as it is not common for me to quote leaders of that organization. But more than one has praised the president’s nomination of John Bush because of his fairness, thoughtfulness, and respect for the views of others — regardless of his personal opinions.

“For instance, Ms. Christie Moore is on the Board of Directors of Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky. She has practiced law with Mr. Bush for nearly two decades. She is ’confident’ that ‘he will follow the rule of law regardless of his personal or political opinions. In my experience,’ she said, ‘John naturally approaches issues with an open mind and has always been respectful of differing viewpoints. In fact, I am a living example of John’s ability to seek out and respect differing viewpoints and opinions. John and I come from opposite ends of the political spectrum – I am a life-long, registered Democrat and proudly approach life and politics as a Democrat. Yet John and I have practiced closely together and enjoy a strong and respectful relationship.’ She concludes, ’I can personally attest that John is a consummate professional, and I believe he will be a tremendous asset to the federal court of appeals.’

“Her law firm colleague, Janet Jakubowicz similarly explains why Mr. Bush will do an outstanding job on the Sixth Circuit. She states that he ’has shown himself to have both the legal ability and temperament to be an outstanding judge.’ She writes that it is precisely because she is a ’long time registered Democrat’ that she can say ’with extreme confidence,’ that John Bush, ’approaches issues with an open mind and has always been respectful of differing viewpoints,’ and that he will make decisions on the bench, ’in the same manner, and follow the rule of law regardless of his personal or political opinions.’

“Mr. Sheryl Snyder, also from my hometown, notes that he and Mr. Bush ‘come from different political parties and have different perspectives on many political issues.’ Mr. Snyder says that he is ‘a Member of the American Civil Liberties Union, and not the Federalist Society.’ Nevertheless, he has ‘every confidence that as a Court of Appeals Judge, John will scrupulously follow the law and apply precedent.’ He notes that Mr. Bush is ‘well known . . . as an experienced, capable, ethical litigator,’ and that ‘his knowledge of the law is unquestioned.’

“Praise for Mr. Bush is not confined to those from the Commonwealth of Kentucky, however. Ted Boutrous, Jr., practices law in Los Angeles. Among other matters, Mr. Boutrous represented the plaintiffs in their challenge to California’s Proposition 8. He has known John Bush for a quarter-century. He writes, ’While we come from different political parties … I am certain John will make an absolutely superb Circuit Judge. He is an extraordinary lawyer and an exceptionally fair, decent, and honest person. I have every confidence that as a judge, John will scrupulously follow the law and Constitution and precedent.’

“Mr. Bush has received numerous professional awards. For instance, The Best Lawyers in America named him the Louisville Litigation-Antitrust ‘Lawyer of the Year’ for 2017. Last year, the same organization recognized him as the Louisville Appellate Practice ‘Lawyer of the Year.’ And he has been included on the Kentucky Super Lawyers list every year for the last decade.

“Beginning in 2012, the Sixth Circuit appointed him to serve on its Advisory Committee on Rules, in recognition of his in-depth knowledge of the court’s practice and procedure. In sum, as evidenced by the impressive testimonials of those who actually know him, John Bush is a man of integrity and considerable ability. He will do an outstanding job on the Sixth Circuit.”

Related Issues: Judicial Nominations, Nominations