
John S. McCain 2019 National Defense Authorization Act to Become Law This Week

‘Once we pass the conference report this week, this important legislation will head to the president’s desk to become law. And we will have fulfilled one of this body’s most solemn responsibilities. This NDAA builds on the progress we made earlier this year in the bipartisan budget agreement, which provided for the largest year-on-year increase in funding for American armed forces in fifteen years.’

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the John S. McCain 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA):

“Now, this appropriations package is not the only important business the Senate’s been working on this week. Yesterday, we passed an important extension of the flood insurance program and sent it to the White House for the president’s signature. We confirmed the 24th circuit court nominee already in this Congress. And we voted to proceed to conference with the House on the farm bill.

“I understand this year marks the earliest since at least 1965 that both the House and the Senate have passed a farm bill. Here in the Senate, it passed with the widest margin of any recorded vote in the history of this legislation. So Chairman Roberts and Senator Stabenow deserve our congratulations and appreciation. I look forward to serving as a conferee and to finishing up the farm bill prior to its expiration.

“Before we adjourn this week, the Senate will also finalize the John S. McCain FY 2019 National Defense Authorization Act. Once we pass the conference report this week, this important legislation will head to the president’s desk to become law. And we will have fulfilled one of this body’s most solemn responsibilities.

“This NDAA builds on the progress we made earlier this year in the bipartisan budget agreement, which provided for the largest year-on-year increase in funding for American armed forces in fifteen years. This legislation authorizes programs which will contribute to the combat readiness of America’s military to meet emerging and persistent global threats. It helps ensure our servicemembers and their families will receive the full support of a grateful nation.

“When we pass the fiscal year 2019 Defense Appropriations Act which funds these programs, we’ll have gone yet further in meeting our commitments to the all-volunteer force. This NDAA has global and nationwide significance. But it also has tremendous local importance. Representing the Commonwealth of Kentucky, I know just how significant an impact this legislation will have on some of our nation’s finest.

“At Fort Campbell, members of the 101st Airborne Division and a number of special operations units will benefit from the authorization of new investments in their training facilities. At Fort Knox, the Army’s Human Resources Command and Recruiting Command will receive the support they need to modernize officer personnel management, and the post will receive much-needed certainty and authority for its energy savings program. At the Bluegrass Army Depot, critical work to support chemical weapon demilitarization will continue because this bill authorizes the resources necessary to conduct safe operations.

“And servicemembers will benefit from a well-deserved raise in military pay and expanded authority for military family housing and education. None of my colleagues need to look far to find examples of how the needs of our servicemembers will be met by the legislation before us. Our colleagues on the Armed Services Committee carefully developed it. It reflects more than 300 amendments.

“And it rightly bears the name of our colleague and friend, Senator McCain. I know he’s proud of all this legislation accomplishes for our men and women in uniform. I would like to thank the senior Senator from Oklahoma and the ranking member from Rhode Island for steering this bill through conference. I look forward to sending it to the president’s desk this week.”

Related Issues: Appropriations, Budget, NDAA