
Judge Kavanaugh Welcomes the Opportunity to Address the Committee

‘But, colleagues -- we should not have gotten to this point, in this manner, at this time. That this process has played out with so little order and so little sensitivity lies solely at the feet of Senate Democrats who saw a political advantage in leaking this to the press instead of vetting through proper channels. But this is where we are. So on Monday, Chairman Grassley and our colleagues on the Judiciary Committee will reconvene. They, and the American people, will hear testimony under oath.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the president’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh:

“Yesterday, Chairman Grassley announced the Judiciary Committee will continue its hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court on Monday morning. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford of California and Judge Kavanaugh have both been invited to testify under oath.

“Dr. Ford will have the opportunity to offer sworn testimony. She communicated with the ranking Democrat on the committee in writing nearly seven weeks ago, but through no fault of hers, Senate Democrats chose to play politics and keep it secret throughout the entirety of Judge Kavanaugh’s regular confirmation process.

“They sat on this information for nearly seven weeks until they leaked it to the press on the eve of the scheduled committee vote. But as my colleague the senior Senator from Texas said yesterday, the blatant malpractice demonstrated by our colleagues across the aisle will not stop the Senate from moving forward in a responsible manner.

“And as I said yesterday, I have full confidence in Chairman Grassley to lead the committee through the sensitive and highly irregular situation in which the Democrats’ tactics have left all of us -- Judge Kavanaugh, Dr. Ford, and this entire body. Dr. Ford will be heard. And of course, Judge Kavanaugh will have the opportunity to defend himself against this accusation. An accusation which he has unequivocally denied.

“And which stands at odds with every other piece of the overwhelming positive testimony we’ve received about Judge Kavanaugh’s character, from his close friends, colleagues, and law clerks, from the distant past to the present day, including the high school years during which this misconduct is alleged to have taken place. He welcomes this opportunity to address the committee about this claim.

“But, colleagues -- we should not have gotten to this point, in this manner, at this time. That this process has played out with so little order and so little sensitivity lies solely at the feet of Senate Democrats who saw a political advantage in leaking this to the press instead of vetting through proper channels. But this is where we are. So on Monday, Chairman Grassley and our colleagues on the Judiciary Committee will reconvene. They, and the American people, will hear testimony under oath.”

Related Issues: Supreme Court, Judicial Nominations