
Landmark Veterans Health Bill Will Soon Become Law

‘It will bring more options and greater flexibility to veterans who’ve spent years driving long distances to the nearest VA care facility, only to face long lines and waiting lists when they got there. It will bring more peace of mind for veterans of all eras, and their families, who’ve faced uncertainty and limitations as their needs for care have evolved.'

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the Congressional passage of the VA MISSION Act of 2018:

“We’re in the midst of quite a productive week here in the Senate. Yesterday, this body did its part in fulfilling an important promise to our nation’s veterans. We passed the VA MISSION Act by a wide, bipartisan margin. Having already passed the House, this truly landmark bill will now head to the White House where the president will soon sign it into law.

“It will bring more options and greater flexibility to veterans who’ve spent years driving long distances to the nearest VA care facility, only to face long lines and waiting lists when they got there. It will bring more peace of mind for veterans of all eras, and their families, who’ve faced uncertainty and limitations as their needs for care have evolved. This legislation continues, expands, and improves the successful Veterans’ Choice Program that has already helped millions of veterans nationwide, including more than 23,000 Kentuckians last year alone.

“Thanks to the stalwart leadership of Chairman Isakson and the Veterans Affairs Committee, the hard-and-fast time and distance thresholds that kept too many veterans out of the Choice Program will soon be gone. The providers we trust to provide top-notch care for our heroes will have clearer guidelines for prescribing opioids and more tools to attract and retain experienced professionals.

“I’ve heard from Kentucky veterans exactly what this bill will mean for them. One wrote, quote, ‘Kentucky disabled veterans greatly appreciate that Congress is finally taking action to correct deficiencies in the Caregiver Program.’ Another explained that the legislation, quote, ‘strikes the right balance to make sure we strengthen the VA system and provide veterans with the best care possible.’

“I congratulate my friend Chairman Isakson once more on this achievement. I am proud the Senate stepped up to the plate and showed America’s veterans that, on our watch, a promise made is a promise kept.”

Related Issues: America's Military, Health Care, Veterans