
McConnell: A Privilege to Welcome the Pope to the Capitol

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell earlier today welcomed Pope Francis to the U.S. Capitol. Following His Holiness’ address during a Joint Meeting of Congress, Senator McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor:

“I know I speak for the entire Senate when I say it was a privilege to welcome the Pope to the Capitol this morning. For the thousands who gathered on the Capitol lawn, it was an experience they’re unlikely to ever forget.

“A quiet nod. A soft smile. A simple wave.

“The gestures may have been small, but their meaning ran deep — captured forever in the hearts of the faithful and the hopeful.

“As we turn back to the work of governing, many will interpret his words in many ways. The media certainly has. But we can also hear him as simply expressing his faith. And we all appreciate his closing remarks: God bless America.”

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